房子 在 卡尔卡松, 奥克西塔尼 购买
AUDE - CARCASSONNE 在法国独一无二:葡萄种植和葡萄酒旅游产业全面成功,在 Biodynamy 生产优质的天然葡萄酒,充满魅力、优雅和新鲜!一个人类大小的农场,拥有约 17 公顷的葡萄藤,其中 6 株被出租,3 块风土,其中 1 株处于海拔高度,2 个位于奥德北部的产区,2 种土壤,粘土-石灰石和片岩,10 株葡萄品种,经过认证的德米特,辅以有机微商。这些是未来的绝佳风土。酿造是根据一种称为自然的方法进行的,没有偏差。 8 款佳酿都具有美丽的清新结构,具有很好的特性和矿物质、深度和大量的精致、果味,都在坦率和优雅中。一切都本着当前需求的精神。这是一个交钥匙领域,拥有成熟而忠诚的专业人士和个人客户。该系列以三种颜色搭配现代优雅的包装,在传统酒商和 CHR 网络、出口以及个人(包括几家米其林星级餐厅)中取得了真正的商业成功。一块石头变成了两个迷人的小木屋,未来的主人可以将它用作家。一个游泳池及其泳池房,另外四间可供 2 至 8 人使用的小木屋,位于办公室、酒窖和酒厂上方,这些建筑构成了完整的建筑物,可容纳 20 至 30 个床位。它与世隔绝而没有滋扰,它的全景和靠近法国第三大访问量最大的景点卡尔卡松市、葡萄酒之路、机场和海滩路是额外的重要资产。发展和多元化的潜力是巨大的。今天创建这样一个开发的投资,建筑物,设备,营销,品牌形象和成功,随着价格和延误的增加,应该比要求的更昂贵。这是尽快发现的独特机会! 主要特点: 900 平方米 170000 平方米地块面积 游泳池 12间卧室 1间客厅 Ref: 36839-8523TS
Fabulous French Domaine consisting of a single piece of 33 ha of land, fully fenced located in the Aude, in a haven of peace sheltered away from preying eyes. The main house is composed of an A
AUDE - CARCASSONNE 16th century mansion, located at the bottom of the famous medieval citadel, which is the third most visited place in France with nearly 4 million visitors per year. Shops and parki

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase this 17th century listed property which stretches over 600m² including 217m² of immediately habitable space, and a large garden facing the Medieval

Majestic, sublime, idyllic, these are the key words to describe this sumptuous property with a completely renovated 17th century mansion, its own chapel, an orangery, a swimming pool and a gite, on a
Magnificent south exposed luxury villa set on a plot of 3000 sqm with a swimming pool and pool house ideally located near Carcassonne and Carcassonne lake. The walled city is just 5 minutes for local
This property is one of the leading luxury 'chambre d'hotes' in Carcassonne and has an annual turnover of around 90.000 Euros per annum. The property is a traditional Maison de Maitre and was complete