房子 在 格林维尔, 罗德岛 购买
爱上正宗的 Waterman-Winsor House,这里是 RI Apple King T. K. Winsor 的故居,大约建于 1710/1780 年。过去 48 年里,在 RI 最重要的修复建筑师和保护工匠的指导下,它经过精心修复,实际上是两座 18 世纪的房屋连在一起,有 2 个巨大的烟囱和 8 个工作壁炉。 18 世纪的细节仍然保留,包括枪托柱和横梁、串珠外壳、五金件、宽松木地板、12-over-12 窗户、椅子栏杆、护墙板和镶板门。 20 和 21 世纪的更新包括 10 年历史的燃油热水加热系统,带 8 个区域、100 安培电力、结构支撑、雪松木屋顶和带辐射热地板的温室。占地 1.85 英亩,包括 3 个谷仓和一个用于储存的前苹果酒厂和一个供暖的家庭办公室/车间。它具有重要的历史和建筑意义,被列入著名的国家名录 参考号:37238-72986146
Come fall in love with the Waterman-Winsor House, the 18th century former home the RI "Apple King" T. K. Winsor. Meticulously restored over the past 48 years under the guidance of RI's foremost resto

Fall in love with with the fabulous 18th century Waterman-Winsor House located in the heart of RI's "Apple Country”. This restored beauty is really TWO houses joined together, with THREE barns and a

Entirely remodeled Gambrel Colonial is stylish and efficient with mainly Anderson windows and LED lighting. 48 solar panels (inst. 2019) eliminates electric bills 7 months per year. The 2011 great ro

Come see this magnificent 1710 historic gem in Greenville, a charming village within Smithfield and in the heart of of RI's "Apple Country". Known as the Waterman-Winsor House, it has been meticulous