房子 在 格林维尔, 罗德岛 购买
爱上位于 RI 的“Apple Country”中心的神话般的 18 世纪 Waterman-Winsor House。这座经过修复的美丽建筑实际上是将两座房子连在一起,三个谷仓和一个前苹果酒磨坊形成了一个半圆形的私密空间。在史密斯菲尔德迷人的村庄之一历史悠久的格林维尔,有近 2 英亩的冬季池塘可供滑冰和许多花园草坪。有 8 个工作壁炉(3 个带蜂箱烤箱),有 10 个房间,所有房间都有高高的天花板,还有一个20 世纪日光浴室/温室,地板辐射热。许多历史细节包括宽阔的松木地板、倾斜的枪托柱和横梁、古董硬件、镶板门和 12 对 12 的窗户,所有这些都在过去 45 年中由目前的业主在 RI 最重要的修复建筑师和保护工匠的指导下。一楼有 2 个前厅、餐厅、客房、带壁炉和柴火炉的宽敞家庭房以及一个较小的厨房和 1/2 浴室隐藏在 t 后面他烟囱。二楼有一个超大主人套房,带全套浴室和步入式衣柜、一个中央客厅、2 间双人卧室和第二个全套浴室。前面的楼梯一直延伸到阁楼以供存放。谷仓几乎可以为您想象的任何事物提供可能性:船只、汽车、艺术家工作室、工作室、大型项目?旧苹果酒厂已经拥有带车间/家庭办公室的加热区!来看看你自己是如何爱上一所房子的吧! Ref: 37238-1300162
Come fall in love with the Waterman-Winsor House, the 18th century former home the RI "Apple King" T. K. Winsor. Meticulously restored over the past 48 years under the guidance of RI's foremost resto

Entirely remodeled Gambrel Colonial is stylish and efficient with mainly Anderson windows and LED lighting. 48 solar panels (inst. 2019) eliminates electric bills 7 months per year. The 2011 great ro

Fall in love with the authentic Waterman-Winsor House, the circa 1710/1780 former home of the RI Apple King, T. K. Winsor. Meticulously restored over the past 48 years under the guidance of RI's fore

Come see this magnificent 1710 historic gem in Greenville, a charming village within Smithfield and in the heart of of RI's "Apple Country". Known as the Waterman-Winsor House, it has been meticulous