10 listings
Build your dream home on this Beautiful level lot in Lincoln Meadows. It is ready to GO! No need for a septic here. We have Town water and town sewer connections at the street. Natural gas available t
This Building must be purchased with 199 Putnam Pike (MLS # 1303513) and 0 Mowry Ave ( mls # 1303522) Total purchase price is $1,100,000. This is a great Invesment or owner user. The owner could occup
4000 sq ft steal building. Includes a separate lot. This Building must be purchased with 197 Putnam Pike (MLS # 1303521) and 199 Putnam Pike (MLS # 1303513). Total purchase price is $1,100,000. This i
Great investment opportunity. 4 Lots, which consists 3 buildings fully leased to four tenants. Three of the tenants are month to month with below market rents. The other is a national tenant, in their
This Building must be purchased with 197 Putnam Pike (MLS # 1303521) and 0 Mowry Ave( mls # 1303522). Total purchase price is $1,100,000. This is a great Invesment or owner user. The owner could occup
NN 租给了一位全国租户。有限的业主责任。 5 年租约的第 2 年以及 2 个额外的 5 年选择权。地下室还有另一个租户,位于地面上,包括 3 个门和存储区驱动器。如果买家需要,可以与 MLS 1307763 一起购买。 Ref: 37238-1015536892
在 Lincoln Meadows 这个美丽的地段建造您梦想中的家。可以开始了!这里不需要化粪池。我们在街上有城镇供水和城镇下水道连接。天然气也可用。这是这个以花岗岩路缘和地下公用设施为特色的华丽开发项目中为数不多的剩余地块之一。位于 Angell Rd 旁,方便前往 Rt 146、Rt 95 和 Rt 295。距普罗维登斯仅 10 分钟路程,距波士顿仅 45 分钟路程(不堵车)
4000 sq ft steal building, Just off I295 15-17' Ceilings with a drive in door and dock high door. Currents tenants are month to month. Can be purchased with the adjacent building MLS 1307758 if the b
This Building must be purchased with 197 Putnam Pike (MLS # 1303521) and 0 Mowry Ave( mls # 1303522). Total purchase price is $1,100,000. This is a great Invesment or owner user. The owner could occu
4000 sq ft steal building. Includes a separate lot. This Building must be purchased with 197 Putnam Pike (MLS # 1303521) and 199 Putnam Pike (MLS # 1303513). Total purchase price is $1,100,000. This