25 listings
Blossoms By The Park Preview: 14 - 24 April 2023 This is a review of Blossoms By The Park, an upcoming mixed-use development with commercial units at the ground floor located at Slim Barracks Rise. I
💫 KLIMT CAIRNHILL 康鄰豪庭💫 Klimt Cairnhill 是由開發商 Low Keng Huat Singapore Ltd 開發的永久業權公寓,位於 Cairnhill 路沿線的黃金地段第 9 區。這座擁有 138 個單元的單街區公寓是對前 Cairnhill Mansions 的重建,該公寓於 2018 年以 3.62 億美元的價格整體出售。 Klimt Cairnhi
One Holland Village Residences - 超過 80% 已售出! 享受住在荷蘭村中心的好處。您被一系列獨特的餐飲和購物選擇所包圍,因為您是一個更大的多功能綜合體的一部分,讓您可以將生活區擴展到家以外。 One Holland Village 地理位置優越,靠近著名的第 10 區的烏節路和一北商業園等商業和零售熱點。探索附近一些新加坡最負盛名的學院和大學。利用該區域的交通系
EXPANSIVE RESIDENCES OF EXQUISITE TASTE RISING ABOVE THE SINGAPORE EDITION HOTEL Nestled in prime District 10 along Orchard Boulevard, Boulevard 88 is an exclusive freehold address beyond compare. E
讓鄉村生活豐富您的每一天。您在 One Holland Village Residences 的家提供了一個在搶手社區擁有空間的特權機會。該開發項目的居民單元提供各種餐廳、精品店、酒吧和咖啡館,所有居民都將享受到很少有人能稱得上自己的便利性和獨特性。 探索寧靜宜人的地方與鬱鬱蔥蔥的戶外環境的和諧。從種植花園到鬱鬱蔥蔥的植被,已採取謹慎措施確保與大自然的持續接觸。 One Holland Vill
位於新加坡第 10 區荷蘭村的中心,是位於即將擴建的荷蘭村生活方式和娛樂集群內的綜合開發項目的一部分。該住宅非常靠近 Circle 地鐵線上的荷蘭村地鐵站,該地鐵站將通勤者連接到新加坡各個城市和城市邊緣地區。荷蘭路和博納維斯塔路均有多元化的公共巴士網絡。 享受住在荷蘭村中心的優勢。您被一系列獨特的餐飲和購物選擇所包圍,因為您是一個更大的混合用途綜合體的一部分,讓您可以將生活區擴展到您的房子之外。
One Holland Village Residences 是混合用途開發項目的一部分,位於即將擴建的荷蘭村生活方式和娛樂集群內。它位於新加坡第10區荷蘭村的中心地帶。該項目由遠東機構與信和集團和Sekisui House合作開發。 .該開發項目包括 296 個 99 年租賃期住宅單元、255 個服務式公寓單元以及辦公室、零售單元和社區空間。該開發項目計劃分兩個階段完成,住宅區預計將在 202
一荷蘭村住宅 位於新加坡第 10 區荷蘭村的中心,是位於即將擴建的荷蘭村生活方式和娛樂集群內的綜合開發項目的一部分。該住宅非常靠近 Circle MRT 線上的荷蘭村地鐵站,該地鐵站將通勤者連接到新加坡各個城市和城市邊緣地區。荷蘭路和博納維斯塔路均有多元化的公共巴士網絡。 享受住在荷蘭村中心的優勢。您被一系列獨特的餐飲和購物選擇所包圍,因為您是一個更大的混合用途綜合體的一部分,讓您可以將生活區擴
Description Stirling Residences Mega Launch at District 03, Queenstown by Logan & Nanshan Group JV 3 mins to MRT Station Abundance Amenities within walking distance
Description One Holland Village Residences is part of a mixed-use development located within the soon-to-be-expanded Holland Village lifestyle and entertainment cluster. It is located in the he
閣樓式兩房單位出售; 適合外籍人士和甜蜜情侶。 單位是: 1,119 平方英尺; 2,680,000 新元; 每平方英尺 2,395 新元。 價格包括所有家具和配件。 獨特的賣點: - 第九區。 - 巨大的出租潛力。 - 與酒店/餐飲/住宅的綜合開發。 - 生活方式場所——步行即可到達克拉碼頭和駁船碼頭沿線的眾多熱門娛樂、餐飲和生活方式商店。 - 驅車片刻即可到達中央商務區、
Terra Hill Condo Review And Investment Analysis By Lance Kuan This is a review of Terra Hill, a mid-size freehold condo development located at Yew Siang Road in Singapore’s District 5, just off Pasir
為了樹立奢華生活的新標準,Van Holland 的客廳鋪設了精美的書本相配的大理石,這些大理石是專門從意大利手工挑选和進口的。每一塊大理石都獨一無二,各具魅力,從陽台無縫地流向廚房。帶 3.1 m 天花板高度、全高意大利幕牆和寬敞的陽台經過精心設計,讓家更接近自然,每個家庭都配備了施華洛世奇水晶元素和品牌電器的優質衛浴配件。 Van Holland 是一種藝術宣言。 Van Holland 是您
Perfect Ten Condo Review & Investment Analysis By Lance Kuan This is a review of Perfect Ten, a luxurious freehold condo development in Bukit Timah. Nested within Singapore’s prime District 10, it wil
Choose from 85 exclusive units comprising 1 bedroom units to 4 bedroom with Guest units and experience authentic urban living redefined. The site possesses an undulating terrain, with a land profile d
This is a review of Pinetree Hill condo, a 99-year leasehold development located at Pine Grove in Singapore’s District 21. Nestled in a private residential enclave in Ulu Pandan and along the prime H
Incorporated in 1949, Kheng Leong Company has evolved from an international commodity and spice trading company to an investment group with interests in property development and real estate investment
Launching Soon! Hyll on Holland is the latest freehold condominium that is located on the combined sites of the former Estoril and Hollandia, right in the heart of Holland Road. Developers Far East Co
Irwell Hill Residences Review – District 9 Condo By CDL By Lance Kuan This is a review of Irwell Hill Residences, an exclusive condo development in Singapore’s prime District 9 by City Developments (C
Freshly developed from the enbloc of Tulip Garden, it comprises a total of 638 residential units over 12 storeys in the location that is quickly becoming known for offering the highest standard of lux
The Hill @ One-North is a 99-year leasehold mixed-use development with commercial and F&B outlets at first storey. Located along Slim Barracks Rise in Singapore’s District 5, it will offer 142 residen