公寓 在 新加坡, 新加坡中部 购买
One Holland Village Residences 是混合用途開發項目的一部分,位於即將擴建的荷蘭村生活方式和娛樂集群內。它位於新加坡第10區荷蘭村的中心地帶。該項目由遠東機構與信和集團和Sekisui House合作開發。 .該開發項目包括 296 個 99 年租賃期住宅單元、255 個服務式公寓單元以及辦公室、零售單元和社區空間。該開發項目計劃分兩個階段完成,住宅區預計將在 2024 年底前獲得臨時居住許可證 (TOP),而商業區預計將在 2022 年年中完成。 One Holland Village Residences – 無障礙設施 該住宅非常靠近 Circle 地鐵沿線的荷蘭村地鐵站,將通勤者連接到新加坡的各個城市和城市邊緣地區。 Holland Road 和 Buona Vista Road 沿線有多種公共巴士。從住宅區可直達亞逸拉惹高速公路和聯邦大道,方便前往中央商務區和新加坡其他地區。 One Holland Village Residences - 便利設施 受益於住在荷蘭村的中心。作為更大的綜合用途開發項目的一部分,您可以使用各種獨特的餐飲和購物選擇,讓您的生活區擴展到您家以外的地方。 One Holland Village Residences 附近的餐飲場所 荷蘭村市場和美食中心 One Holland Village Residences 附近的學校和教育機構 亨利公園小學 南洋小學 費爾菲爾德衛理公會小學 新城小學 英華學校 東陵信託學校 One Holland Village Residences 附近的購物中心和商店 荷蘭路購物中心 羅徹斯特購物中心 星景購物中心
Description One Holland Village Residences is part of a mixed-use development located within the soon-to-be-expanded Holland Village lifestyle and entertainment cluster. It is located in the he
💫 KLIMT CAIRNHILL 康邻豪庭💫 Klimt Cairnhill is a freehold condo developed by developer Low Keng Huat Singapore Ltd, located in the prime District 9 along Cairnhill Road. The 138-unit, single-block condo

Description One Holland Village Residences is part of a mixed-use development located within the soon-to-be-expanded Holland Village lifestyle and entertainment cluster. It is located in the he
Located in the heart of Holland Village of Singapore’s District 10 is part of a mixed-use development located within the soon-to-be-expanded Holland Village lifestyle and entertainment cluster. The re

One Holland Village Residences Located in the heart of Holland Village of Singapore’s District 10 is part of a mixed-use development located within the soon-to-be-expanded Holland Village lifestyle a

Description Stirling Residences Mega Launch at District 03, Queenstown by Logan & Nanshan Group JV 3 mins to MRT Station Abundance Amenities within walking distance