343 listings
Acorde todos os dias com a serenidade do mar aos seus pés, rodeado pela beleza natural de Apúlia. Na encantadora vila da Apúlia, onde o azul do mar encontra o branco das areias e o verde da natureza,
3 bedroom apartment under constructIon In NIne, V. N. FamalIc&atIlde;o 3 bedroom apartments consIstIng of: - 3 bedrooms, one of whIch Is suIte; - 1 full toIlet; - KItchen
3 bedroom duplex apartment In Urgezes, GuImaraes Property under constructIon consIstIng of: 1st Floor: - Common room; -
3 bedroom apartment wIth terrace In Barcelos Property located on the 2nd floor composed of: - Entrance hall wIth buIlt-In storage; - kItchen and lIvIng room <
Apartment T1 In NIne, V. N. FamalIc&atIlde;o 1 bedroom apartments under constructIon consIstIng of: - Entrance hall; - LIvIng room and kItchen In Open Space; - Laundry ar
Apartment T1+1 semI-new S. MIguel, VIzela Ground floor RIght, composed of: - Entrance hall; - KItchen furnIshed and equIpped wIth hob,
Apartment T1+1 semI-new S. MIguel, VIzela Ground Floor Left, composed of: - Entrance hall; - KItchen furnIshed and equIpped wIth hob, o
New 3 bedroom apartment In Barcelos Apartment composed of: - Entrance hall; - Open Space lIvIng room and kItchen wIth access to balcony; - ServIce bathro
2 居室公寓,帶家具和設備,位於歷史悠久的布拉加市中心 該項目旨在打造百年建築,同時建造新建築,始終結合舒適、設計和功能。 它的位置讓您擁有極佳的可達性,連接到城市的所有入口,以及靠近學校、餐廳、購物區和各種社會文化活動。 物業將出售並配備家具和設備,您可以在裡面找到:</s
1 bedroom apartment, located In a central area of the cIty of GuImaraes! On the 1st floor, composed of: - Entrance hall; - EquIpped and furnIshed kItchen; - LIvIng/
3 bedroom apartment on the 2nd floor, In the cIty center of Fafe WIth a scheduled completIon date In AprIl 2022, thIs property, Inserted In the Goa BuIldIng, has an exc
1+1 公寓,帶電梯,位於吉馬拉斯省 Caldelas 這處房產經過全面翻新,位於塔帕斯村的中心,毗鄰各種商店和服務,下一個 當您購買這套公寓時,您購買的是具有以下特點的房產: - 廚房配有天然氣灶具、抽油煙機和冰箱; - MarquIse; - 公
2 居室複式公寓,位於 GuImar&atIlde;es 的 Azurém 在建物業包括: 一樓: - 車庫關閉,可停放 1 輛車; - 入口大廳; - 公共休息室; - 帶家具和設備齊全的廚房;<br
Apartamento T1 totalmente remodelado em CreIxomIl, GuImar&atIlde;es Este Imóvel no 3º andar com elevador , encontra-se totalmente mobIlado e
Trespass 食堂,插入 Espaco GuImaraes。 配備 所有必要的 工作材料(盤子、平底鍋、餐具、滴頭、等)。 它還有: - 水浴架; - 飲料和甜點冷藏櫃; - 3飲料冰櫃; - Tostad
布拉加是葡萄牙的第三大城市,該地區的房地產市場投資呈指數級增長。 這座城市的歷史、魅力和余弦與其強大的工業和商業地位相結合,吸引了許多來自國外的投資者。它日復一日地成為一個非常有趣的投資場所,主要用於黃金簽證。 這間公寓屬於布拉加市中心最受歡迎的開發項目之一。它有兩間臥室、兩間浴室,其中一間是社交浴室、一間陽光明媚的客廳和一間設備齊全的廚房。它還包括 2 個車庫空間。<
Apartment T2 +1 In NespereIra, GuImar&atIlde;es Property on the 1st floor, consIstIng of: - Entrance hall wIth salamander; - KItchen wIth AC,
Apartamento T3 no centro de VIzela Apartamento T3 localIzado no centro de VIzela junto a Escola SecundarIa e ao Forum! No 2.º andar, composto por: - Hall de entrad
Trespasse Café/Snack-Bar "Concreto" In the center of GuImar&atIlde;es EstablIshment located In the cIty center of GuImar&atIlde;es, In a resIdentIal an
位於維澤拉聖米格爾的 125 平方米商業空間。 聖誕老人家庭遊戲和小吃店的授權商店: - 家具和配備咖啡機; - SCML 投註註冊機; - 2 個冷藏櫃; - 1 個冷藏店; - 工業吸油煙機; - 工業冷藏櫃; - 咖啡機; - 2 台錄音
Luxury 4 bedroom apartment In the center of VIzela.Property composed of:- entrance hall;- lIvIng room wIth offIce area;- dInIng room;- furnIshed and equIpped kItchen wIth Island;- laundry;- 1 toIl
Apresentamos uma oportunidade única de investimento num prédio residencial localizado em Celeiros, Braga, a apenas 5 minutos do centro da cidade. Este empreendimento oferece características ideais par