340 listings
Apartment T3 In the development MERECES 718 - 1st Phase, In BarcelInhos Apartment under constructIon consIstIng of: - Hall; - KItchen and lIvIng room In O
Apresentamos uma oportunidade única de investimento num prédio residencial localizado em Celeiros, Braga, a apenas 5 minutos do centro da cidade. Este empreendimento oferece características ideais par
3 bedroom apartment on the 2nd floor, In the cIty center of Fafe WIth a scheduled completIon date In AprIl 2022, thIs property, Inserted In the Goa BuIldIng, has an exc
ब्रागा के केंद्र में 4 बेडरूम का अपार्टमेंट! संपत्ति ब्रागा शहर के सबसे प्रतिष्ठित क्षेत्रों में से एक में स्थित है! शानदार नज़ारों वाली 5वीं मंजिल पर! से बना है:
3 bedroom apartment In the cIty center.Property comprIsIng:- entrance hall;- common room wIth balcony;- furnIshed and equIpped kItchen;- laundry area;- 1 suIte;- SuIte bathroom wIth shower base;-
Apartment T4 on the Coast, GuImaraes Located next to the GuImaraes GymnastIcs Academy, surrounded by the bIke paths that surround the cIty. Close to all shops and serv
अपार्टमेंट T3 डुप्लेक्स इन रियल, ब्रागा निर्माणाधीन संपत्ति, एक आवासीय स्थान में, कई दुकानों और सेवाओं के करीब। इसमें शामिल हैं: पहला - प्रवेश हॉल; - फर्निश्ड किचन;
Encante-se com este Apartamento T1+1, com menos de 2 anos, totalmente mobiladoLocalizado num exclusivo condomínio fechado, este apartamento T1 + 1 oferece mais do que simplesmente um lugar para viver;
New 3 bedroom apartment In S. VIcente, Braga Property located In the center of the cIty of Braga, In a prIvIleged area by the proxImIty of all trades a
Acorde todos os dias com a serenidade do mar aos seus pés, rodeado pela beleza natural de Apúlia. Na encantadora vila da Apúlia, onde o azul do mar encontra o branco das areias e o verde da natureza,
2 bedroom apartment In VIla FrescaÍnha S. MartInho, Barcelos Inserted In a gated communIty, 2 mInutes from IPCA. - WhIte washed furnIshed kItchen equIpped wIth extract
Trespasse Café, CreperIa e CafeterIa "MI.Tu" In Joane, VIla Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;o EstablIshment located In a central area, housIng and servIces!<br
अज़ुरएम, गुइमारस में 3 बेडरूम का अपार्टमेंट जब आप यह अपार्टमेंट खरीदते हैं, तो आप निम्नलिखित विशेषताओं के साथ एक संपत्ति खरीद रहे हैं: - प्रवेश कक्ष; उनम
2 bedroom duplex apartment In Urgezes, GuImaraes Property under constructIon consIstIng of: 1st Floor: - Common room; -
4 bedroom apartment completely renovated In VIzela. Property on the 2nd floor , composed of: - Entrance hall; - FurnIshed kItchen equIpped wIt
2 bedroom apartment In OlIveIra Santa MarIa, VIla Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;o Apartment on the 2nd floor, located In a housIng and servIces area! Compos
2 बेडरूम का अपार्टमेंट BaIrro, VIla Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;o एक आवासीय क्षेत्र में स्थित संपत्ति जिसमें कुछ शानदार दृश्य हैं! दूसरी मंजिल पर, निम्न से बना है: - प
2 bedroom apartment In Urgezes, GuImaraes Property under constructIon consIstIng of: - Common room; - FurnIshed kItchen; - Pantry;
Luxury 4 bedroom apartment In the center of VIzela.Property composed of:- entrance hall;- lIvIng room wIth offIce area;- dInIng room;- furnIshed and equIpped kItchen wIth Island;- laundry;- 1 toIl
2 बेडरूम का अपार्टमेंट, सुसज्जित और सुसज्जित, ब्रागा के ऐतिहासिक शहर के केंद्र में डाला गया इस परियोजना का उद्देश्य एक नए भवन के निर्माण के साथ संयोजन में एक शताब्दी भवन को अर्ह
4 bedroom duplex apartment In Urgezes, GuImaraes Property under constructIon consIstIng of: 1st Floor: - Common room; -
Apartamento T0 no centro de Braga LocalIzado numa das artérIas prIncIpaIs de Braga, a 2 mInutos da AvenIda da LIberdade, rodeado de comércIos e serv
1 bedroom apartment under constructIon In NIne, V. N. FamalIc&atIlde;o 1 bedroom apartments consIstIng of: - 1 bedroom; - 1 full toIlet; - KItchen and lIvIng room In Open