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公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
公寓 在 Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598

公寓 在 卡利亞里, 撒丁島 购买

1163 sqft
1 洗澡

In the heart of the city of Cagliari, in a prestigious period residence Palazzo Gaudina, we present prestigious apartments obtained from an exclusive renovation project. The residence, originally built in 1930, is located a few steps from the main streets of the center and belonging to an ancient aristocratic palace , with valuable elements such as friezes , cornices and crownings typical of the Art Nouveau style. Thanks to the renovation and conservation work we have preserved and highlighted the architectural features that <span class="NormalTextRun SpellingErrorV2Themed SCXW49069911 BCX8" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; user-select: text; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: left bottom; background-image: var(--urlSpellingErrorV2, url("

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語言能力: Italiano, English