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Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Condominio en Cagliari, Sardinia 11055598
Fuera del mercado

Condominio for Køb i Cagliari, Cerdeña

1163 sqft
1 Baño

In the heart of the city of Cagliari, in a prestigious period residence Palazzo Gaudina, we present prestigious apartments obtained from an exclusive renovation project. The residence, originally built in 1930, is located a few steps from the main streets of the center and belonging to an ancient aristocratic palace , with valuable elements such as friezes , cornices and crownings typical of the Art Nouveau style. Thanks to the renovation and conservation work we have preserved and highlighted the architectural features that <span class="NormalTextRun SpellingErrorV2Themed SCXW49069911 BCX8" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; user-select: text; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: left bottom; background-image: var(--urlSpellingErrorV2, url("

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