房子 在 查塔姆港, 馬薩諸塞州 购买
好東西總會降臨到那些等待的人身上!這裡有一個機會,可以在令人垂涎的坎農山協會 (Cannon Hill Association) 中佔領北查塔姆 (North Chatham) 的一席之地。這個科德角殖民地已經準備好迎接新主人,將其打造成他們的個人庇護所。坐落在一大片半樹木繁茂的土地上,充滿了寧靜和隱私。大量的翻新工程包括外部改造,包括新的木瓦、屋頂、裝飾、車庫/入口門、油漆和兩個新的青石露台。內部擁有二樓的新復合木地板、一樓的翻新再生木地板、新的鍋爐和油箱系統以及新油漆,包括定製油漆的餐廳地板。新的基礎種植和新播種的免割、抗旱草坪使一切煥然一新。步行一小段路即可到達私人協會海灘。這片海灘人煙稀少,是皮划艇或槳板的完美出發點,您可以在夏日陽光下享受寧靜的陽光,或享受清爽的游泳 - 所有這些都在宜人灣內的巴辛港 (Bassing Harbour) 受庇護的平靜水域中進行。可以在協會海灘附近停泊,可以通往普萊森特灣及更遠的地方,從而完成了這座令人驚嘆的房產。 參考號:36774-124915642
Enjoy the privacy overlooking a cranberry bog viewed from your back yard yet only .7 of a mile to the center of Chatham! All the amenities you expect from an Eastward Company built home with custom m

Soak in stunning vistas and enjoy easy access to all things Chatham from this masterfully renovated showstopper! Completely transformed and remodeled from studs to ceilings, 875 Orleans Road delivers

Herein lies an opportunity to claim your piece of North Chatham, in the coveted Cannon Hill Association. This Cape Cod colonial is ready for new owners to make it their personal sanctuary. Situated o

Just minutes to beach, freshwater pond, marina and everything great that Chatham has to offer, youll find this attractive saltbox cape nestled on a sloping hill adorned with white picket fences and m