房子 在 查塔姆港, 馬薩諸塞州 购买
只需幾分鐘即可到達海灘、淡水池塘、碼頭和查塔姆所提供的一切,您會發現這個迷人的鹽箱海角坐落在一個傾斜的小山上,上面裝飾著白色的柵欄和成熟的遮蔭樹。在陽光普照的甲板上享用咖啡,俯瞰您的花園,並在院子里特制的圍欄為兒童和寵物提供安全和愉快的遊樂區。時尚改造的廚房配有燃氣 Viking 爐灶、花崗岩檯面和美觀的櫥櫃,旨在優化存儲和吸引力,給您的客人留下深刻印象。客廳的優質定制木質裝飾、內置插件和壁爐為娛樂和放鬆提供了溫暖舒適的環境。多功能一樓臥室可用作媒體室、辦公室或工作室。二樓有兩間大小適中的臥室和一個令人驚嘆的豪華浴室。在海灘上度過一天后,您可以在經過高雅改造的浴缸中享受噴氣按摩浴缸或花灑淋浴,浴缸配有可調節加熱地板和雙大理石梳妝台。不到一英里,在普萊森特灣觀看日出,在傑克奈夫海灘游泳和野餐,或者在靜水池的淡水中劃皮划艇。探索科德角奇觀的理想之地 Ref: 36774-124167302
Enjoy the privacy overlooking a cranberry bog viewed from your back yard yet only .7 of a mile to the center of Chatham! All the amenities you expect from an Eastward Company built home with custom m

Soak in stunning vistas and enjoy easy access to all things Chatham from this masterfully renovated showstopper! Completely transformed and remodeled from studs to ceilings, 875 Orleans Road delivers

Good things come to those who wait! Herein lies an opportunity to claim your piece of North Chatham, in the coveted Cannon Hill Association. This Cape Cod colonial is ready for new owners to make it

Herein lies an opportunity to claim your piece of North Chatham, in the coveted Cannon Hill Association. This Cape Cod colonial is ready for new owners to make it their personal sanctuary. Situated o