房子 在 山坡小屋, 喬治亞州 购买
壯觀的當代舍伍德森林住宅,位於炎熱的市中心近半英畝的土地上!安靜的綠樹成蔭的街道將您帶入這個隱藏的社區瑰寶。兩全其美 - 您不會相信您還位於城市文化中心的中心位置,包括高級博物館、皮埃蒙特公園、殖民地廣場、亞特蘭大植物園、Beltline 等,由建築師 Joel Kelly & Cablik Enterprises 領導的定制裝修優先註重奢華和功能!四臥室住宅擁有開放式平面圖、高聳的天花板、可愛的硬木地板和提供充足自然光線的天窗,方便生活和娛樂。現代化的用餐廚房配有石英檯面、博世電器和通往寬敞客廳的酒吧。毗鄰的早餐室和辦公室/書房空間排列在房子的後牆上,面向美麗的鬱鬱蔥蔥的景觀後院和帶火坑和水景的有蓋門廊。主層繼續提供兩間大型次臥室和一間超大主臥室,配有時尚的套間浴室和雙步入式衣櫥。完整的露台層設有廚房、獎勵室、帶套間浴室的額外臥室和一個巨大的洗衣房,可輕鬆兼作鍛煉空間並提供大量額外存儲空間。這所房子坐落在一個大的退台上,提供了一個華麗的平坦前院和充足的停車位供客人和家人使用,有兩個車庫、長車道和寬闊的私人街道。您不想錯過這個特殊的機會 - 不會持續太久!屢獲殊榮的晨邊小學、大衛 T 霍華德中學和中城高中 - 再加上您正在夢寐以求的安斯利高爾夫俱樂部 (Ansley Golf Club) 的穿梭路線上 - 一家距離酒店僅一箭之遙的私人俱樂部! Ref: 37058 -124998664
Ansley Park, known for its grand, historic homes nestled in the city, boasts 211 The Prado as one of its finest examples! This elegant, English Vernacular Revival style home built in 1928 rests on on

Ansley Park is no stranger to born again homes, and 9 Ansley Drive is a prominent member of this noteworthy club. This historic home is the birthplace of the Atlanta Ballet and both the personal home

Ansley Park is no stranger to born again homes, and 9 Ansley Drive is a prominent member of this noteworthy club. This historic home is the birthplace of the Atlanta Ballet and both the personal home

Beautiful private wooded estate lot located in the heart of Buckhead. Property owner does have initial plans for a house designed by Yong Pak. These plans have elevations and rough floorplan layouts.

Beautiful private wooded estate lot located in the heart of Buckhead. Property owner does have initial plans for a house designed by Yong Pak. These plans have elevations and rough floorplan layouts.

Rare opportunity to own a fabulous gated home situated just blocks from Buckheads finest Restaurants, Shopping, Hotels, Cherokee Town Club, Atlanta History Center and Swan House. Featuring Owner suit