房子 在 山坡小屋, 乔治亚州 购买
壮观的当代舍伍德森林住宅,位于炎热的市中心近半英亩的土地上!安静的绿树成荫的街道将您带入这个隐藏的社区瑰宝。两全其美 - 您不会相信您还位于城市文化中心的中心位置,包括高级博物馆、皮埃蒙特公园、殖民地广场、亚特兰大植物园、Beltline 等,由建筑师 Joel Kelly & Cablik Enterprises 领导的定制装修优先注重奢华和功能!四卧室住宅拥有开放式平面图、高耸的天花板、可爱的硬木地板和提供充足自然光线的天窗,方便生活和娱乐。现代化的用餐厨房配有石英台面、博世电器和通往宽敞客厅的酒吧。毗邻的早餐室和办公室/书房空间排列在房子的后墙上,面向美丽的郁郁葱葱的景观后院和带火坑和水景的有盖门廊。主层继续提供两间大型次卧室和一间超大主卧室,配有时尚的套间浴室和双步入式衣橱。完整的露台层设有厨房、奖励室、带套间浴室的额外卧室和一个巨大的洗衣房,可轻松兼作锻炼空间并提供大量额外存储空间。这所房子坐落在一个大的退台上,提供了一个华丽的平坦前院和充足的停车位供客人和家人使用,有两个车库、长车道和宽阔的私人街道。您不想错过这个特殊的机会 - 不会持续太久!屡获殊荣的晨边小学、大卫 T 霍华德中学和中城高中 - 再加上您正在梦寐以求的安斯利高尔夫俱乐部 (Ansley Golf Club) 的穿梭路线上 - 一家距离酒店仅一箭之遥的私人俱乐部! Ref: 37058 -124998664
Ansley Park, known for its grand, historic homes nestled in the city, boasts 211 The Prado as one of its finest examples! This elegant, English Vernacular Revival style home built in 1928 rests on on

Ansley Park is no stranger to born again homes, and 9 Ansley Drive is a prominent member of this noteworthy club. This historic home is the birthplace of the Atlanta Ballet and both the personal home

Ansley Park is no stranger to born again homes, and 9 Ansley Drive is a prominent member of this noteworthy club. This historic home is the birthplace of the Atlanta Ballet and both the personal home

Beautiful private wooded estate lot located in the heart of Buckhead. Property owner does have initial plans for a house designed by Yong Pak. These plans have elevations and rough floorplan layouts.

Beautiful private wooded estate lot located in the heart of Buckhead. Property owner does have initial plans for a house designed by Yong Pak. These plans have elevations and rough floorplan layouts.

Rare opportunity to own a fabulous gated home situated just blocks from Buckheads finest Restaurants, Shopping, Hotels, Cherokee Town Club, Atlanta History Center and Swan House. Featuring Owner suit