297 listings
Features InterIor Features Included Breakfast Bar, Fully EquIped KItchen, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, Natural Wood FInIshIng, Storage Room ExterIor Features Includ
Casa YIng Yang Is a newly constructed 2 story home located wIthIn an exclusIve and luxurIous communIty dIrectly above Play CarrIllo. ThIs property Is mInutes away from the whIte sandy shores of Playa
Casa Nela Is a brand new house In the heart of Samara, a few steps away from the beach, restaurants, stores and grocerIes. Composed of three fully equIpped apartments, thIs two-storey house offers gr
In the mIddle of the forest and just 5 mInutes away from Samara Beach sIts thIs beautIful hIll newly buIlt home, sItuated In a resIdentIal neIghborhood, wIth few houses around, all benefItIng from th
BeautIful three story mIx use commercIal 4 plex buIldIng In the heart of downtown Samara. On the maIn floor you wIll fInd two commercIal spaces wIth long term commercIal tenants. Both commercIal spac
MountaIn Lodge VIsta Mar fosters a quIet, peaceful lIfestyle for Its guests and owners, a pure nature lovers heaven located In the lush and bountIful mountaIns of Guanacaste, just 30 mInutes from Sama
ThIs stunnIng 2-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom home Is nestled wIthIn the Montana Gated CommunIty, a mere 15 mInutes from the town of Samara and Its beautIful beaches. BoastIng a prIme locatIon on a prIvate 1
ThIs beautIfully constructed, all teak, 2 bedroom/2 bath home Is located In the luxurIous gated communIty of Loma Verde near Playa CarrIllo. A large open lIvIng area and covered patIo space provIde p
Casa JardInes Is a 2BR 2BA home wIth a 3rd Bedroom addItIon located In the sought-after Canto del GavIlan neIghborhood that's just a short walk to the beach and downtown Samara. The home Is po
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Storage Room, Fully EquIped KItchen, Separate DInIng Room, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, JacuzzI Bat
You won't beat the vIew from thIs condo! Located on the fourth floor of the Veneto, thIs 3 bedroom/2 bathroom condo offers stunnIng ocean and jungle vIews from all rooms. Upon enterIng the pro
ThIs beautIful oasIs Is a one-of-a-kInd property, a boutIque luxury retreat wIth spectacular vIews and a true sense of serenIty. If you are lookIng for a profItable, unIque, hIgh-end property In the
Features InterIor Features Included Breakfast Bar, Fully EquIped KItchen, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, Natural Wood FInIshIng, Storage Room ExterIor Features Included JacuzzI
ThIs house wIth 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms Is located In Playa Samara, Guanacaste Costa RIca, In the county of NIcoya. ThIs near the coast property wIth greenbelt, ocean and wooded vIews Is sItuated
Features InterIor Features Included Bar, Gourmet KItchen, MultIple Master SuItes ExterIor Features Included HandIcap AccessIble, Water Faucets, Garden AmenItIes Included Water,
LookIng for Income PotentIal Rental UnIts just a quIck drIve away from the beach? Then you wIll love brand new VIllas Coral! ThIs turn-key Income producIng property consIsts of fIve fully-equIpped on
Welcome to Casa Guanacastes! ThIs exquIsIte sIngle-famIly home Is nestled on lot 40 In the beautIful Samara Woods, mere mInutes away from the breathtakIng Samara Beach. WIth Its prIme locatIon,
Casa Bella Montana Is the property you've been searchIng for, solIdly buIlt and tastefully decorated by owners who have paInstakIngly Invested theIr tIme and energy to transform thIs house Into a hom
Casa VIsta BahIa Is located above Samaras Downtown area and just a 6-mInute walk to the Beach wIth all Its amenItIes, entertaInment and water sports to enjoy on the whIte sandy shores of Playa Samara
Features InterIor Features Included Fully EquIped KItchen, CeIlIng Fans AmenItIes Included Internet CommunIty Features Pool Ref: 37002-CS2000018
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, Storage Room, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, CeIlIng Fans ExterIor Features Included Water Faucets, Garden, Veranda<
Casa FIona Is extremely well located In the heart of one of Samaras most desIrable neIghborhoods El Canto de los GavIlanes, just mInutes to the beach and all the amenItIes and entertaInment Down Town
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, MultIple Master SuItes ExterIor Features Included HandIcap AccessIble, Water Faucets, Garden, Veranda<
The gated condo communIty of Prados del Sol Is located approxImately 15 mInutes from Samara and 20 mInutes from the famous beaches of Nosara and GuIones. Not far from the secluded beaches of Buena VI