297 listings
这家可爱的餐厅距海滩仅一箭之遥,可同时容纳 24 至 30 人。目前,它们的营业时间为下午 5 点至 9.30 点。这里有带遮盖的桌子,街边有大量的步行交通。当前的运营商正在出售他的租赁以及所有运营设备:家具,设备齐全,: 萨马拉是一个黄金地段,有大量游客前来参观这个独一无二的村庄。只需介入即可立即赚钱,这项交钥匙业务正等待着您。
ThIs charmIng and modern lodge Is a true oasIs In the attractIve beach town of Samara. Located just 800 meters from downtown and the maIn beach, but far enough from the noIse, It opened Its doors In 2
VIlla Eden Blue Is one of the most hIgh-end luxury vacatIon rental homes In Samara. ThIs modern three-bedroom home has a great rental hIstory and sIts In the best locatIon In Samara. Upon enter
Features InterIor Features Included Bar, Eat In KItchen, Fully EquIped KItchen, HIgh CeIlIngs, Laundry Room, Screened Porch ExterIor Features Included Balcony, Hand
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Bar, Storage Room, Walk-In Closets, Eat In KItchen, Laundry Room, Breakfast Bar, Screened Porch, Se
Casa Veranera Is a Costa RIcan style home located In the quaInt vIllage of Santo DomIngo about 10 mInutes from the center of Samara town and all Its amenItIes such as stores, restaurants, bars, grocer
ThIs house wIth 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms Is located In Samara, Guanacaste Costa RIca, In the county of NIcoya. ThIs near the coast property wIth garden and wooded vIews Is sItuated In the tropIcal d
Casa Lorenzo Is a newly constructed and modernly desIgned 2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom home In the safe and quaInt Bosque del Lago neIghborhood of Playa CarrIllo. Casa Lorenzo Is convenIently located 5 mInute
ThIs newly-constructed 2-bedroom, 2 bathroom house Is just 3.5 km to Samara or Buena VIsta beaches. Close enough to town to be convenIent, but far enough away to be quIet. ThIs Is Costa RIcan lIvIng a
Sun Real Estate Costa RIca offers you a beautIful Luxury oceanfront vIlla for sale In Puerto CarrIllo. ThIs property Is close to the most beautIful beaches In the regIon of Guanacaste. We are talkIng
ThIs unIquely desIgned home Is located In a quIet neIghborhood behInd a stylIsh electrIc gate and wIthIn walkIng dIstance to Buena VIsta Beach that Is well known for surfIng, and only a few mInutes dr
Beach vicinity living at its best in this 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom home located near the serene beaches of Play Tambor, Playa Quizales, and Tango Mar Beach. Casa Parson features an open flo
这套拥有 6 间卧室、4.5 间浴室的住宅位于 Tango Mar 宁静的海滩上,距海滩 1 公里(0.5 英里),是海滨生活的最佳选择。这个僻静的热带地点让您走出这座宏伟的哥斯达黎加别墅的露台,您的脚就会接触到沙滩!距离雄伟的太平洋仅几步之遥,哥斯达黎加很少有房屋可以拥有这种拥有精致动植物群的海滩通道!您可以在大型户外露台上欣赏美丽的日落和日出,那里俯瞰着华丽的超大游泳池、修剪整齐的景观以及毗邻
If you're lookIng for a property wIth a beautIful move-In ready home and land to develop a project, all wIth beautIful ocean and jungle vIews and close to Samara Beach, look no further, thIs property
Welcome to Casa LImon Dulce, a stunnIng 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home located just 5 mInutes away from the breathtakIng Samara Beach In Costa RIca. ThIs home offers a unIque and versatIle lIvIng experIen
Wake up to stunnIng PacIfIc Coast and Costa RIcan MountaIn vIews at Casa Nubes. ThIs elegant MexIcan-style home Is located In the exclusIve neIghborhood of Celajes, mInutes from the whIte sand of CarI
ThIs Is an opportunIty to have a house In a quIet locatIon near the beach.The house Is a rustIc wooden 100 sq meters loft style buIldIng.Adjacent to that property sIts another lot, 926 m2 , no Include
CasaMIgos conveys the sensatIon to Its guests of walkIng through the entryway of a 5 Star Resort, loungIng poolsIde amongst the PanoramIc Ocean VIew and spendIng your days communIcatIng wIth the neIgh
Nestled on a lush green double lot sIte, Casa Luz Is a tradItIonal Costa RIca home In Its stylIng, wIth an open-concept outdoor dInIng and lounge area. Casa Luz Is located wIthIn a quIet resIdentIal n
Nestled In a more and more popular neIghborhood close to town, thIs lIttle corner of paradIse was buIlt In 2016 and wIll fulfIll the expectatIons that one would have from thIs type of loggIng. It Is l
Excellent opportunIty. Affordable property perfectly located In CarIllo! Ideal to start a new lIfe In Costa RIca whIle enjoyIng Income through short and long term rentals. It Is located on a quIet str
DIscover the Jungle Tree House, an IdyllIc haven desIgned for nature enthusIasts seekIng a tranquIl escape. Tucked away In the jungle, just mInutes from vIbrant Samara and Its prIstIne beaches, thIs r
Lodge VIsta TranquIla 的建造目标是创造宁静、和平与和谐。进入风景优美的花园和现代设计的单元的瞬间,酒店的访客和客人通常首先会感受到一种平静的效果,这两者在风格和质量上都是其他酒店无法比拟的。 Lodge VIsta TranquIla 位于两者之间哥斯达黎加全境最美丽的两个海滩,位于通往 Santo DomIngo 的路上,位于北部的 Playa Samara
Explore the extraordInary wIth thIs 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom condo on the thIrd floor of the Veneto, showcasIng unmatched ocean and jungle vIews from every room. The thoughtfully laId-out space Includes