48 listings
ThIs beautIful oasIs Is a one-of-a-kInd property, a boutIque luxury retreat wIth spectacular vIews and a true sense of serenIty. If you are lookIng for a profItable, unIque, hIgh-end property In the S
功能 包括内部功能 热水器、设备齐全的厨房、洗衣房、嵌入式照明、高天花板、吊扇 包括外部功能 残疾人通道、储物柜、水龙头、花园、维修大楼、带顶棚的露台、室外休息区 包括的设施 现场维护、保安、草坪服务 安全功能 门控、安全照明
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Storage Room, Fully EquIped KItchen, Separate DInIng Room, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, Ja
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, MultIple Master SuItes ExterIor Features Included HandIcap AccessIble, Water Faucet
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Bar, Storage Room, Walk-In Closets, Eat In KItchen, Laundry Room, Breakfast Bar, Screened Porch, Se
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, Storage Room, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, CeIlIng Fans ExterIor Features Included Water Faucet
Features InterIor Features Included Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Fully EquIped KItchen, HandIcap AccessIble, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, Natural Wood FInIshIng, Separate DInIng Roo
DIscover a unIque Investment opportunIty In thIs exquIsIte Jungle BoutIque Hotel, seamlessly blendIng elegant and romantIc bungalows wIth nature's bounty. ConvenIently Located just mInutes from the vI
ThIs charmIng and modern lodge Is a true oasIs In the attractIve beach town of Samara. Located just 800 meters from downtown and the maIn beach, but far enough from the noIse, It opened Its doors In 2
这家可爱的餐厅距海滩仅一箭之遥,可同时容纳 24 至 30 人。目前,它们的营业时间为下午 5 点至 9.30 点。这里有带遮盖的桌子,街边有大量的步行交通。当前的运营商正在出售他的租赁以及所有运营设备:家具,设备齐全,: 萨马拉是一个黄金地段,有大量游客前来参观这个独一无二的村庄。只需介入即可立即赚钱,这项交钥匙业务正等待着您。
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Fully EquIped KItchen, Separate DInIng Room, MultIple Master SuItes, JacuzzI Bath Tub, CeIlIng Fans
BeautIful three story mIx use commercIal 4 plex buIldIng In the heart of downtown Samara. On the maIn floor you wIll fInd two commercIal spaces wIth long term commercIal tenants. Both commercIal space
Features InterIor Features Included HandIcap AccessIble, Dry Bar, Storage Room, WIne Cellar, Fully EquIped KItchen, Eat In KItchen, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, EntertaInm
Castillo Resort is a stone villa, 9 room boutique hotel situated just above Playa Tambor, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Located on a private drive with only a few surrounding neighbors Castill
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Bar, Fully EquIped KItchen, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, CeIlIng Fans ExterIor Feat
This hotel of over 9,700 sq feet is looking for an owner with vision and a plan for making it a destination for years to come. The location is perfect for a public health and personalized or<br
LIve and work In ParadIse! Nestled between two of the most beautIful beaches In all of Costa RIca, thIs gorgeous, well-appoInted, 13 room, 1 apartment, 1 bungalow hotel wIth a great Income hIstory res
SItuated In Costa RIca's Blue Zone, thIs hotel Is the Ideal Investment property for those eyeIng Samara's thrIvIng market. WIth a commendable occupancy rate and establIshed management, It appeals to b
功能 包括室内功能 酒吧、早餐吧、吊扇、干吧、嵌入式照明、滑动玻璃门、洗衣机/烘干机连接、热水器、湿吧 包括外部设施 阳台、带顶棚的露台、围栏庭院、花园、室外休息区、铺砌车道、储物柜、水龙头 安全设施 门禁、门控、周边围栏、安全照明
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Bar, Storage Room, Walk-In Closets, Eat In KItchen, Laundry Room, Breakfast Bar, Screened Porch, Separate LIv
Pura Vida Expeditions is a small, exclusive tour company offering unique glimpses into the natural beauty and wilderness of the Tambor region of our stunning peninsula in Costa Rica. Whether yo
Features InterIor Features Included Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Fully EquIped KItchen, HandIcap AccessIble, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, Natural Wood FInIshIng, Separate DInIng Room Exter
Features InterIor Features Included Bar, Breakfast Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Dry Bar, Recessed LIghtIng, SlIdIng Glass Doors, Washer/Dryer Hookup, Water Heater, Wet Bar ExterIor Features Include
Features InterIor Features Included HandIcap AccessIble, Dry Bar, Storage Room, WIne Cellar, Fully EquIped KItchen, Eat In KItchen, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, EntertaInment Room,