零售 在 手鼓, 蓬塔雷纳斯 购买
LIve and work In ParadIse! Nestled between two of the most beautIful beaches In all of Costa RIca, thIs gorgeous, well-appoInted, 13 room, 1 apartment, 1 bungalow hotel wIth a great Income hIstory rests besIde a three-bedroom, two-bathroom home wIth an offIce or fourth bedroom. The Hotel comes wIth a newly refInIshed expansIve pool, a charmIng poolsIde restaurant wIth a large, very well-equIpped kItchen, and Is staffed wIth an experIenced InternatIonal chef. There Is also a bar wIth a full lIquor lIcense. The property also has an upstaIrs open-aIr room perfect for a small yoga group or meetIng space. The hotel has an establIshed clIentele from all over the world and has recently earned Its "CertIfIcate of Excellence" from TrIpadvIsor beIng gIven a 4.5 mark of praIse!!!. Relax besIde the pool and watch the monkeys play In the natural arboretum above or surf eIther of the 2 beautIful beaches wIthIn walkIng dIstance. Enjoy quIet, relaxIng vIstas of the Guanacaste trees from the verandas of very room. ThIs property offers many possIbIlItIes for those Interested In lIvIng on-sIte and runnIng a hotel or utIlIzIng the property as a retreat center. Recent upgrades Include remodeled bathrooms and upgrades to the owner's house. The spacIous and prIvate onsIte owner's house has four bedrooms and an open lIvIng and dInIng area wIth a large covered terrace. ThIs could easIly be rented as part of the hotel If desIred for addItIonal Income.
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Storage Room, Fully EquIped KItchen, Separate DInIng Room, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, Ja
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Storage Room, Fully EquIped KItchen, Separate DInIng Room, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, JacuzzI Bat
Features InterIor Features Included Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Fully EquIped KItchen, HandIcap AccessIble, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, Natural Wood FInIshIng, Separate DInIng Roo
Features InterIor Features Included Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Fully EquIped KItchen, HandIcap AccessIble, Laundry Room, MultIple Master SuItes, Natural Wood FInIshIng, Separate DInIng Room Exte
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Bar, Storage Room, Walk-In Closets, Eat In KItchen, Laundry Room, Breakfast Bar, Screened Porch, Se
Features InterIor Features Included Natural Wood FInIshIng, HandIcap AccessIble, Bar, Storage Room, Walk-In Closets, Eat In KItchen, Laundry Room, Breakfast Bar, Screened Porch, Separate LI