土地 在 温浴, 林波波 购买
提升您的生活方式 贝拉 - 贝拉镇距离豪登省仅一个多小时车程,也是唯一一个可以找到从地底冒出热矿泉的地方。它是沃特贝格区市内一个繁荣的旅游和农业城镇,拥有一流的会议、度假村、娱乐、高尔夫球场和体育设施。 这里是五巨头的主场,拥有大量的野生动物保护区。它是南非最受欢迎的健康和度假胜地之一,被誉为“大自然给人类的礼物”。 一个巨大的农场,有八个营地,一流的牛处理基础设施。适合畜牧业和蔬菜生产。 两栋房屋,三个井眼,设施齐全,功能齐全 150 000 升水库。 该农场距镇中心和其他便利设施八公里。 请打电话给我,让这片巨大的土地成为您生活方式的一部分。
THIS IS YOUR NEW HOME In less than 2 hours drive from Johannesburg and much less from Pretoria is the holiday town of Bela - Bela popularly know as the " gift of nature " to humankind. Experience natu
BUY THIS ONE FOR A STEAL These 2 x 7795m2 vacant land parcels EACH SELLING FOR R560,000 plus VAT are located approximately 2kms from the Bela - Bela CBD nested below the Waterberg mountains Bela - Be
HAVE BOTH WORLDS Bela - Bela is located approximately 2 hours drive from Johannesburg and less from Pretoria. This is the home of the Big Five, gholf courses, hiking trails and considered the "gift of