土地 在 温浴, 林波波 购买
两全其美 贝拉 - 贝拉距离约翰内斯堡约 2 小时车程,距离比勒陀利亚也更短。这里是五巨头的所在地,拥有高尔夫球场、远足小径,并且由于镇上发现的天然温泉而被认为是“大自然给人类的礼物”。 这块空置地块位于莫迪莫勒路 (Modimolle Road) 沿线,距中央商务区约五公里处。完全围栏,24 小时安全出入控制 在这片大片空地上建造你的梦想家园。早晨在鸟鸣声中起床,晚上则在各种动物的叫声中起床。 打电话给我安排观看
ENHANCE YOUR LIFESTYLE Bela - Bela town is just over an hour's drive from Gauteng and the only place where you find hot mineral springs that bubble out of the earth. It is a thriving tourism and agric

THIS IS YOUR NEW HOME In less than 2 hours drive from Johannesburg and much less from Pretoria is the holiday town of Bela - Bela popularly know as the " gift of nature " to humankind. Experience natu

BUY THIS ONE FOR A STEAL These 2 x 7795m2 vacant land parcels EACH SELLING FOR R560,000 plus VAT are located approximately 2kms from the Bela - Bela CBD nested below the Waterberg mountains Bela - Be