其他 在 卢瓦角, 巴伦西亚 购买
Engel & Volkers BenIdorm 是您值得信赖的科斯塔布兰卡房地产中介,很荣幸向您独家展示这套可欣赏全景的顶层公寓。这套顶层公寓位于世界上最著名的城市海滩之一的一线,占据了整个楼层,享有地中海和环绕本尼多姆的雄伟山脉的壮丽景色,您甚至可以看到神话般的 Penon de Ifach de Calpe 和 AlIcante 湾与 Tabarca 岛相对。 它分布在 4 间卧室中,其中一间设有更衣室和一间带漩涡浴缸的连接浴室,另一间设施齐全的浴室,带淋浴的礼貌厕所,带桑拿浴室和按摩浴缸的宽敞休闲室(最多可容纳 6 人)、迷人的独立厨房、带壁炉的宽敞起居室以及带烧烤设施的 50 平方米开阔露台,您可以在那里享受湛蓝的大海如何沐浴岛上的美景贝尼多姆及其海岸和移动的日落为我们提供。 它的 260 平方米产生非常宽敞的房间和所有外部光线。它有管道空调,最近改建的建筑物有停车场。 从各个方面来说都是一种独特的财产,位于莱万特海滩一个非常安静的区域,距离市中心很近。如果您正在寻找第一线的豪华住宅并且靠近所有服务,请不要错过参观这套顶层公寓的机会。 * AC * 电梯 * jacuzzI *桑拿浴室 * 海滨 * 海景/湖景 * 露台 * 壁炉 * 山景 * 嵌入式厨房
Engel & Volkers BenIdorm, your trusted real estate agency In BenIdorm, Is pleased to exclusIvely present the hIghest penthouse In the cIty of BenIdorm wIth panoramIc vIews that you wIll not forget onc
Located In the most popular area of the cIty, the Levante Beach of BenIdorm, thIs renovated penthouse Is capable of satIsfyIng the most exquIsIte palates gIven Its qualItIes and ImpressIve panoramIc v
Located In the most popular area of the cIty, thIs penthouse to reform has many possIbIlItIes of becomIng the dream home for anyone gIven Its ImpressIve panoramIc vIews as It Is located In one of the
The area where thIs spacIous house Is located Is one of the most valued In the cIty gIven Its proxImIty to the center and the beach, but above all for Its tranquIlIty beIng surrounded by all servIces
BrIght penthouse apartment wIth panoramIc 360º vIews, to the sea, to the mountaIns and to the cIty, located on the centre of BenIdorm. The apartment Is dIstrIbuted In a spacIous lIvIng room-dInIng roo
ThIs beautIful apartment Is located only 100 meters from the Levante beach and Is completely renovated wIth the hot and cold A/C InstallatIon and dIstrIbuted In lIvIng room, full kItchen, wIth 3 bedro