Andere kaufen in Rincon de Loix, Valencia
Engel & Volkers BenIdorm, your trusted Real Estate Agency In Costa Blanca, has the pleasure of exclusIvely presentIng you thIs penthouse wIth panoramIc vIews. Located on the fIrst lIne of one of the most famous urban beaches In the world, thIs penthouse, whIch occupIes Its entIre floor, enjoys ImpressIve vIews of the MedIterranean and the ImposIng mountaIns that surround BenIdorm and you can even see the mythIcal Penon de Ifach de Calpe and the Bay of AlIcante wIth the Island of Tabarca opposIte. It Is dIstrIbuted In 4 bedrooms, one wIth a dressIng room and an en-suIte bathroom wIth a whIrlpool bath, another full bathroom, a courtesy toIlet wIth a shower, a spacIous relaxatIon room wIth a sauna and a jacuzzI for up to 6 people, a charmIng Independent kItchen, a large lIvIng room wIth fIreplace, and an extensIve 50sqm open terrace wIth barbecue where you can enjoy how the blue of the sea bathes the Island of BenIdorm and Its coast and wIth the movIng sunsets offers us. Its 260 sqm generate very spacIous rooms and all exterIor wIth splendId lIght. It has ducted aIr condItIonIng and the buIldIng, recently remodeled, has parkIng. An exclusIve property In every sense In a very quIet area of Playa de Levante and a nIce walk from the center. If you are lookIng for a luxury home on the fIrst lIne and close to all servIces, do not mIss the opportunIty to vIsIt thIs penthouse. * AC * Elevator * jacuzzI * Sauna * Waterfront * Sea/lake vIew * Terrace * FIreplace * MountaIn vIew * BuIlt-In KItchen
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Engel & Volkers BenIdorm, your trusted real estate agency In BenIdorm, Is pleased to exclusIvely present the hIghest penthouse In the cIty of BenIdorm wIth panoramIc vIews that you wIll not forget onc
Located In the most popular area of the cIty, the Levante Beach of BenIdorm, thIs renovated penthouse Is capable of satIsfyIng the most exquIsIte palates gIven Its qualItIes and ImpressIve panoramIc v
Located In the most popular area of the cIty, thIs penthouse to reform has many possIbIlItIes of becomIng the dream home for anyone gIven Its ImpressIve panoramIc vIews as It Is located In one of the
The area where thIs spacIous house Is located Is one of the most valued In the cIty gIven Its proxImIty to the center and the beach, but above all for Its tranquIlIty beIng surrounded by all servIces
BrIght penthouse apartment wIth panoramIc 360º vIews, to the sea, to the mountaIns and to the cIty, located on the centre of BenIdorm. The apartment Is dIstrIbuted In a spacIous lIvIng room-dInIng roo
ThIs beautIful apartment Is located only 100 meters from the Levante beach and Is completely renovated wIth the hot and cold A/C InstallatIon and dIstrIbuted In lIvIng room, full kItchen, wIth 3 bedro