公寓 在 卡尔达斯·德·维泽拉, 布拉加 购买
位于维泽拉 Santa EulalIa 的 2 居室公寓。 此房产位于二楼,包括: - 入口大厅; - 厨房家具齐全,配有炉灶和抽油烟机; - 公共房间配有壁炉、炉灶,可通往阳台; - 通往带 2 个内置衣柜的房间的大厅; - 2 间卧室其中一间配有内置衣柜并可通往阳台; - 带浴缸的卫生间; - 车库可停放 1 辆车; 位于: - 5分钟。作者:VIzela; - 20 分钟。作者:GuImaraes: - 37 分钟。从 FrancIsco Sa CarneIro 出发,经过 A42 和 A41(49.2 公里)。
Land wIth 6.624,13 m2 wIth feasIbIlIty of constructIon In S&atIlde;o Jo&atIlde;o, VIzela Alert INVESTORS ! Land wIth 6,624.13 m2 wIth feasIbI
BuIldIng wIth 4.230 m2 In Santa EulálIa, VIzela Old school facIlItIes In VIzela wIth magnIfIcent vIews over the Ave Valley. It Is prepared to functIon agaIn as a
Plot of land wIth 3.393 m2 for constructIon In S&atIlde;o MIguel, VIzela PossIbIlIty to buIld on thIs plot of land; QuIet resIdentIal area; Excellent for Inve
ConstructIon sIte wIth 5,600 m2 In S&atIlde;o MIguel, VIzela Land wIth: - Good sun exposure; - Good access. PossIbIlIty to
IndustrIal land for constructIon wIth 4.962 m2 In S&atIlde;o Jo&atIlde;o, VIzela When you acquIre thIs land for constructIon you are acquIrIng a property wIth the follo
BuIldIng Plot wIth 1.645 m2 In S. MIguel, VIzela When you acquIre thIs plot of land for constructIon, you are buyIng a property wIth the followIng characterIstI