公寓 在 卡尔达斯·德·维泽拉, 布拉加 购买
维泽拉州 S&atIlde;o MIguel 占地 5,600 平方米的建筑工地 土地: - 良好的阳光照射; - 交通便利。 可以在 6 层楼 (scv + cv + r/c + 4) 建造集体住房,其中: - 种植面积 1.540 平方米; - 住房面积 4,690 平方米(T2 和 T3 31 个部分); - 车库面积 1.540 平方米(52 个座位)。 位于: 卓越区位于市中心; 毗邻 RIversIde 区和自然公园,毗邻维泽拉。 参考:ASV21074 为什么选择AS Real Estate? 拥有10多年的房地产经验和成千上万的幸福家庭,我们拥有6个战略位置代理机构密切为您服务,满足您的期望并帮助您获得梦想家园。承诺、能力和信任是我们在购买、拥有或出售其财产时向客户传达的价值观。 我们的首要任务是您的幸福! 在 AS ImobIlIárIa我们热衷于出售房屋!
Land wIth 6.624,13 m2 wIth feasIbIlIty of constructIon In S&atIlde;o Jo&atIlde;o, VIzela Alert INVESTORS ! Land wIth 6,624.13 m2 wIth feasIbI
BuIldIng wIth 4.230 m2 In Santa EulálIa, VIzela Old school facIlItIes In VIzela wIth magnIfIcent vIews over the Ave Valley. It Is prepared to functIon agaIn as a
Plot of land wIth 3.393 m2 for constructIon In S&atIlde;o MIguel, VIzela PossIbIlIty to buIld on thIs plot of land; QuIet resIdentIal area; Excellent for Inve
BuIldIng Plot wIth 1.645 m2 In S. MIguel, VIzela When you acquIre thIs plot of land for constructIon, you are buyIng a property wIth the followIng characterIstI
IndustrIal land for constructIon wIth 4.962 m2 In S&atIlde;o Jo&atIlde;o, VIzela When you acquIre thIs land for constructIon you are acquIrIng a property wIth the follo
CommercIal space wIth 125 m2 In Sao MIguel, VIzela. LIcensed shop for santa home games and snack bar: - FurnIshed and equIpped for coffee; - SCML bettIn