16 listings
尋找土地?這裡是。尋找姻親潛力?這裡是。尋找開放概念?這裡是。正在尋找 4-5 間臥室或 4 間帶辦公室的臥室?這裡是。正在尋找 2 個完整的浴室?這裡是。在主樓層尋找洗衣房?這裡是。尋找地下室娛樂室?這裡是。正在尋找可停放 4 輛車的車庫?這裡是。想在您的後院看到鹿、鳥和兔子嗎?這裡是。尋找室外淋浴(熱水和冷水)?這裡是。在自己的土地上尋找步行道?這裡是。找這個房子?這裡是!!!建於 1900
Beautifully detailed 3 bed ranch offering new roof, heat, electric, new siding, applianced granite kitchen, windows, new fully tiled bath, glowing hardwoods, newly tiled kitchen, central air, new sept
A MUST SEE ON MISHNOCK! Wonderful family property to entertain and call home. 2000 plus SQ FT of living space plus a large outdoor deck and patio surround the beautiful inground pool. Open kitchen flo
Beautiful, peaceful and serene describes this location! Deer Run at Big River abutting the Big River Management Area. 8000 acres of protected land with lots of trails for walking and hiking. Resting o
Excellent Owner-Occupied or Investment Opportunity. Two Family located close to all amenities: shopping, dining, schools as well as easy access to highways. This home offers a spacious first floor uni
A MUST SEE ON MISHNOCK! Wonderful family property to entertain and call home. 2000 plus SQ FT of living space plus a large outdoor deck and patio surround the beautiful inground pool. Open kitchen fl
Very special home offered in Westwood featuring 2 beds 2baths, master suite with new bath. privacy abounds from rear deck and wooded surroundings. Quiet setting, nicely landscaped grounds. pets, chil
該物業維護良好超過 45 年!位於死胡同,這一層的生活有三間大小適中的臥室和一個完整的浴室。廚房裡的用餐設備更新了,流入正式的用餐區或正式的客廳。還有一個額外的家庭活動室,提供休閒的生活空間。該物業在院子裡有一個大圍欄,以提供隱私和家庭享受。一個大小適中的未完工地下室有額外的存儲空間以及洗衣區和車間區。該物業交通便利,距蒂奧格大道僅數分鐘路程,距高速公路僅一小段車程。 <b
Sherwoods new kid on the block smiling like no other! offering plastered walls. newly painted, beautiful flooring, applianced kitchen, 2 bed 2bath, vaulted ceilings, generous decking, windows. carpor
位於55 歲以上社區的精美裝修房產- 該住宅採用開放式概念平面圖,配有橫梁大教堂天花板- 2 張床和1.5 個浴室,配有4 季日光浴室- 業主添加了新窗戶、屋頂、帶白色搖床式櫥櫃的廚房、花崗岩櫃檯頂部和不銹鋼器具、浴室、地板、Navian 供暖系統和2 個無管中央空調裝置- 全屋發電機- 剛粉刷一新- 車庫- 地塊是私人的,因為鄰里背靠樹林- 還有一個儲藏棚- 這是適合雪鳥或小戶型人士的完美生活方
The Ezekiel Potter Homestead- A true must see. This thoughtfully renovated 1772 Historic Post and Beam center chimney cape-with 4 beds and 2 full baths, situated on over an acre of park-like grounds,
Excellent Owner-Occupied or Investment Opportunity. Two Family located close to all amenities: shopping, dining, schools as well as easy access to highways. This home offers a spacious first floor un
美麗、寧靜和寧靜描述了這個位置! Deer Run at Big River 毗鄰Big River 管理區。 8000 英畝的保護區,擁有許多步行和遠足小徑。這座佔地 5,226 平方英尺、帶 4 間臥室、3.5 間浴室的非常寬敞的住宅佔地 2.13 英畝,採光充足,美不勝收,包括可步行出入的下層公婆。寬敞的開放式廚房配有大櫥櫃和華麗寬敞的島台,均向早餐角、客廳和正式餐廳開放。兩個燃氣壁爐、兩
Beautifully detailed 3 bed ranch offering new roof, heat, electric, new siding, applianced granite kitchen, windows, new fully tiled bath, glowing hardwoods, newly tiled kitchen, central air, new sep