17 listings
Location! Location! Location! Only minutes from downtown West Jefferson, this well-kept, low-maintenance home offers area convenience as well as city water, sewer, and trash pickup. One-level living w
BORDERED BY MT. JEFFERSON STATE PARK ON TWO SIDES and conveniently located within minutes of Hwy. 221 and Downtown West Jefferson, these two lots combined offer 1.585 acres and a beautiful building si
山景莊園小屋!這間 3 臥室 3 浴室住宅可欣賞壯麗的遠距離山景!該位置距離西杰斐遜市中心不到 6 分鐘,距離布恩不到 35 分鐘。這間溫馨的小屋提供齊全的家具,是您山區度假的理想選擇,並且擁有成功的假期出租歷史。開放式平面圖包括廚房、餐廳和帶丙烷燃氣壁爐的起居區。主臥室與步入式衣櫥和浴室直接穿過大廳完成了主層。上層設有兩間額外的臥室,可從兩間客房和一間大廳浴室欣賞美景。樓上兩間臥室的閣樓間距提供
This premier homesite in West Town offers the feel of living in the mountains and the convenience of living in the vibrant town of West Jefferson. West Town is a Craftsman style community tucked away
Great Location and just minutes to downtown West Jefferson. Conveniently located, this country brick home offers 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, a full basement, and located only 2 miles from downtown West
FIXER UPPER DOWNTOWN WEST JEFFERSON! The home has a lot of potential but needs a lot of work and tender loving care. Great location within walking distance to downtown area. Nice mountain view as well
Adorable Cottage just minutes to downtown West Jefferson! Conveniently located to all things High Country, this recently updated two-bedroom, one-bath mountain home offers 864 square feet of functiona
美麗的 NC 山建築工地! Mountainview Estates 的兩個相鄰地段,距離西杰斐遜市中心不到 3 英里,全年都可輕鬆前往鋪砌的道路和美麗的山景。地段前面是水平的,後面是傾斜的和樹木繁茂的,這將成為一個很棒的家庭地點,有一個漂亮的前院和後面的樹木繁茂的隱私。提供地下設施。獲批三居室化糞池許可證。致電以獲取有關我們 G252 列表的更多信息和詳細信息。 列表 ID:G25
夢想的財產!私人鄉村山木小屋,周圍環繞著 5 英畝以上美麗的樹木!在這個質樸而優雅的古董小木屋中,您會感覺自己就像住在樹屋裡,隱藏在成熟的樹木之間,提供了極致的隱私。板栗原木是從南卡羅來納州聯合市的一座 1800 年代小木屋中回收的。溫馨舒適的客艙設有寬板木地板和外露橫梁。主層提供開放式平面圖,設有帶燃石壁爐的大房間;帶島台的廚房提供額外的工作空間、吧台座位和下方的儲物空間;臥室帶套間浴室,提供瓷
獨特的機會購買距離西杰斐遜市中心僅 3 分鐘路程的小木屋,共有 35.85 英畝的私人土地,提供多個建築工地和/或開發潛力、適銷對路的木材以及一些樹木移除,以及杰斐遜山的壯麗景色。小木屋是由業主定制設計和建造的,業主手工切割和砍伐鐵杉原木,並在房產上收集用於壁爐和煙囪的石頭。小屋設有漂亮的櫻桃木地板、牆壁上的一些櫻桃木 T&G、實心櫻桃木和楓木內門和外露橫梁。鄉村廚房設有定制櫥櫃,帶有獨特的穿孔錫
If your dream is to live in downtown West Jefferson, then your dream just came true! This charming cottage is just a 2 minute drive and a 9 minute walk to downtown. You can enjoy all that West Jeffers
THE GREAT ESCAPE,由業主恰當地命名,位於高地灣,這是杰斐遜山腳下的一個小木屋社區,距離迷人的西杰斐遜市中心僅 5 分鐘路程。這間溫馨的小屋各處均舖有木地板,開放式平面圖設有帶拱形天花板、外露橫梁、高窗和 2 層堆疊石壁爐的大房間;帶吧台座位的高效省步廚房;主層有 2 間臥室和全套浴室。上層提供主臥室和帶爪足浴缸的全套浴室。在有充足的娛樂空間的帶頂棚的環繞式甲板上享受美妙的戶外活動。
Live in luxury, style, & comfort in the historic destination town of West Jefferson. If you love small town vibes and big city comfort, this is it! You and your loved ones will love this spacious, ope
This is an upper level unfinished shell. Bring your design to this great location! Jefferson Stations is located in Downtown West Jefferson, you can easily walk to great restaurants, art galleries and