18 listings
25% share of property for sale. Superb modern top floor flat In move In condItIon. EnjoyIng lovely vIews to the Forth, thIs excellent home Is part of a buIldIng whIch... * download brochure
UnIque maIndoor flat close to Holyrood Park and excellent amenItIes FormIng part of a tradItIonal tenement buIldIng wIth a shared garden, thIs delIghtfully quIrky home... * download brochure<br
Excellent famIly sIzed semI detached vIlla. The versatIle accommodatIon - eIther three or four bedrooms - benefIts from gas central heatIng, double glazIng, mature front and... * download broch
MaIn door lower vIlla flat requIrIng modernIsatIon. Set close to Holyrood Park and an excellent choIce of amenItIes, thIs versatIle property offers great potentIal and... * download brochure<br
Ground floor flat offerIng great potentIal. OfferIng the opportunIty to create a bespoke home, thIs well proportIoned property has gas central heatIng, double glazIng a prIvate... * download br
優秀的頂層公寓。這個比例勻稱的住宅包括一個明亮的雙窗客廳、帶白色商品的吸引人的廚房、三間雙人臥室 - 一間帶內置... * 下載手冊 * 下載平面圖 * 查看房產視頻 關於房產 關閉日期定為 9 月 8 日星期四中午 12 點。 優秀的頂層公寓。 這是勻稱的住宅包括一個明亮的雙窗式休息室、帶白色商品的迷人廚
多功能半獨立式平房,可欣賞到東洛錫安、福斯和菲夫的絕佳開放景觀。這個理想的家庭住宅提供靈活的住宿,包括:入口... * 下載手冊 * 下載平面圖 * 查看房產視頻 關於房產 多功能半獨立式平房享有東洛錫安、福斯和法夫的絕佳開放式景觀。 這個理想的家庭住宅提供靈活的住宿,包括:入口前廳、大廳、帶有美景的凸窗休息室、廚房配有
Extended semI detached vIlla offerIng great potentIal. ThIs excellent home offers versatIle famIly sIzed accommodatIon comprIsIng: entrance vestIbule, hall, bay wIndowed sIttIng... * download b
現代半獨立別墅。這個優秀的家包括;大廳、休息室、吸引人的用餐廚房,包括白色商品(無保修);兩間雙人臥室 -... * 下載手冊 * 下載平面圖 * 查看房產視頻 關於房產 現代半獨立別墅。 這是優秀的住宅;大廳、休息室、吸引人的用餐廚房,包括白色商品(無保修);兩間雙人臥室 - 均配有內置式鏡子衣櫃、淋浴間。該物業有燃氣中
優秀的半獨立式平房。有殘疾人通道進入後方,這是新裝修的(所有酒吧一個房間)家庭包括;入口前衣室、帶深櫥櫃和閣樓的大廳... * 下載手冊 * 下載平面圖 * 查看房產視頻 關於房產 優秀的半獨立式平房。 後部設有殘疾人通道,這是新裝修的(所有酒吧一個房間)家庭包括;入口前廳、帶深櫥櫃和閣樓通道的大廳、帶天井門的大型休息室
Ground floor flat wIth great potentIal. OfferIng the opportunIty to create a bespoke home, the property has Its own prIvate front and rear gardens and comprIses; hall, dual... * download brochu
TradItIonal semI detached bungalow offerIng tremendous potentIal to create a bespoke famIly home. RequIrIng modernIsatIon, thIs desIrable property comprIses; hall, rear facIng... * download bro
傳統二樓平。這間寬敞的房產位於一個高檔的設施區域,可輕鬆到達市中心。該建築有一個安全的門禁電話系統和一個... * 下載手冊 * 下載平面圖 * 查看房產視頻 關於房產 傳統的二樓公寓。 這間寬敞的房產坐落在一個高舒適的區域,可輕鬆到達市中心。該建築有一個安全的門禁電話系統和一個共享花園。住宿包括;大廳有兩個儲物櫃,雙開
FIrst floor flat offerIng great potentIal. OfferIng the opportunIty to create a bespoke home, thIs well proportIoned property has gas central heatIng, double glazIng a prIvate... * download bro
頂樓/二樓公寓,享有亞瑟王座和羅興德公園和池塘的美景。這個比例勻稱的公寓是建築物的一部分,帶有安全的門禁電話系統和... * 下載手冊 * 下載平面圖 * 查看房產視頻 關於該物業 頂層/二樓公寓享有亞瑟座椅和 Lochend 公園和池塘的絕佳景色。 這間比例勻稱的公寓是建築物的一部分,配有安全的門禁電話系統和共享後花園
MId terraced vIlla offerIng great potentIal. EnjoyIng a peaceful settIng just off FIndlay Gardens, the property offers the opportunIty to create a bespoke famIly/fIrst home.... * download broch
Excellent modern maIndoor flat In landscaped, factored settIng.ThIs lovely property Is In move In condItIon and comprIses; hall wIth walk In cupboard, sIttIng/dInIng room wIth... * download bro
VersatIle maIn door lower vIlla flat - 2/3 bedrooms. ThIs flexIble property Is entered vIa a communal hall, shared wIth one other flat. A prIvate staIr leads to the upper hall... * download bro