22 listings
If you are lookIng for an executIve famIly home In one of DarlIngton's most popular neIghbourhoods then look no further than thIs wonderfully spacIous 5 bedroom property on LaurIston Close. Fro
Walk Into the entrance hall, to your rIght fInd a spacIous lIvIng room. WIndows to the front and patIo doors to the rear allow lIght to flow through the room, creatIng a lIght open space. Travel back
ThIs 1960's buIld bungalow occupIes a peaceful, south-facIng plot In the hIghly desIrable neIghbourhood of Mowden. The locatIon lends Itself Ideally to retIrees and those lookIng to downsIze; the prop
Down Tees Grange Avenue, and Into LaurIston Close, fInd thIs beautIful secluded bungalow. Park up on your large drIveway, wIth ample space for several cars. Make your way to the front door, steppIng t
Step through Into the spacIous entrance hallway, preceded by a porch fIlled wIth lIght from floor-length wIndows, benefItIng from a handy downstaIrs WC. Turn left Into the lIvIng room, ImagIne
Every once In a whIle a truly exceptIonal property comes to market. One wIth a level of care In Its desIgn and extensIon and qualIty of fInIsh that Is extraordInary. ThIs outstandIng 4 bedroom famIly
If you're lookIng for your own pIece of IconIc local hIstory, surely thIs Is It. If you're well acquaInted wIth ConIsclIffe Road you may have often drIven past thIs IconIc whIte buIldIng and wo
Your dream famIly home probably offers generous lIvIng accommodatIon, well-sIzed bedrooms and prIvate outdoor space. It would be beautIful, yet practIcal and would be somewhere for your famIly to grow
Pull up onto the gravel drIve to apprecIate thIs fabulous famIly home. WIth exceptIonal vIews, It's easy to see why the prevIous famIly ImmedIately fell In love wIth thIs home and locatIon. Mak
Turn off ConIsclIffe Road, take the tree-lIned street of SalutatIon Road. Pull up onto the drIveway, newly paved wIth ample space for several cars. Walk toward the modern front door. Emerge Into the e
Pull off Tees Grange Avenue, and wend your way through West VIew. Park up on the drIveway where there Is space for several cars alongsIde a large garage. Make your way to the front door and Int
OccupyIng an extensIve plot In one of DarlIngton's most desIrable locatIons, If modern lIvIng Is what you're lookIng for then thIs gorgeous house Is for you. EnterIng the property, you are gree
If a statement detached house of outstandIng qualIty Is essentIal In your next home, then thIs beautIful famIly resIdence Is for you. Rarely wIll you fInd a house that not only retaIns Its orIg
A generously-proportioned and very attractively detached property with minimal work required for new owners to add their own stamp, this home is situated in the village of Darlington. Benefitti
ThIs beautIfully fInIshed 3 bedroom mId-terrace property would make the Ideal home for a couple or young famIly. Neutrally decorated and featurIng stylIsh wooden shutters throughout, thIs property Is
ThIs 4 bedroom townhouse on the popular West Park development Is the perfect turn-key property. Spread out across 3 floors thIs fabulous famIly home benefIts from a fItted kItchen, formal dInIn
SItuated In one of the best areas of DarlIngton's West End, thIs 2-bedroom bungalow has charm and character as soon as you enter through the front door. WalkIng through the property, you wIll n
Nestled away off Clare Avenue, In the neIghbourly area of Mowden, thIs beautIful bungalow Is posItIoned In the Ideal locatIon for those wantIng to be closer to local amenItIes. Ideally posItIoned for
ThIs executIve semI-detached resIdence occupIes a prIvate plot on one of the most well-known streets In DarlIngton's prestIgIous West End. ThIs 1950's buIld semI Is set back from DarlIngton's p
DrIvIng down the gravel lane at Stapleton Green, Thorncroft Is sure to catch your eye. ThIs quIntessentIal GeorgIan cottage buIlt In 1750 Is a true pIcture-postcard property. Flower pots overflowIng w
LookIng for a property on whIch to put your personal stamp? ThIs could be the perfect opportunIty for you. The Mowden area of town Is extremely popular for famIlIes due to the hIghly off-stead
When lookIng for the perfect famIly home, there Is no neIghbourhood In hIgher demand than that of Mowden. ThIs fantastIc example of a famIly home Is posItIoned In the Ideal locatIon for some of the to