8 listings
和平與安寧,可欣賞海景! 這座擁有 5 間臥室和 5 間浴室的房屋是珍珠海灘 (Pearly Beach) 最古老的建築之一,坐落在最高的沙丘上,俯瞰著大海。 客房位於底樓,但有一個陽台,可以欣賞海岸線和海洋的景色,並欣賞鯨魚(僅限季節)在海灣嬉戲。 這個美麗的家是唯一的食物,因為您將在寧靜的珍珠海灘村莊體驗到和平與安寧。 目前是一家非常成功的住宿加早餐旅館。 低等級: 有 3 間臥室
SIMPLE, TASTEFUL, OCEAN LIFESTYLE WITH OCEAN VIEWS!! This beautiful well-appointed double story Nutec home with a touch of brightness makes one feel rejuvenated by the ocean. LOWER LEVEL: This beau
VACANT LAND FOR SALE LITERALLY ON THE BEACH WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEW!! This 714 sq plot is literally on the beach with magnificent ocean views. If ever your dream was to be on the beach then this vacan
海洋生活方式和完美的位置! 這個位於黃金地段的大型空置展位距離美麗的海洋僅幾步之遙。人們可以設計住宅,以最大限度地欣賞大海的景色,並以美麗的山景為背景。 馬路對面是 Fynbos 綠化帶,這是無人能在您面前建造的優勢。 珍珠海灘以其綿延數英里的純白色沙灘而聞名。這個坐落在奧弗貝格的小村莊有很多值得一看的地方,包括釣魚、當地酒吧、當地美食、原始的白色海灘、鯊魚籠潛水、觀鯨(僅在季節)危險點燈塔
LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!! Situated on a corner with a green belt across the road, this lovely double story home offer magnificent uninterrupted 180 degree views of the ocean. On entering the h
VIEWS, VIEWS AND MORE VIEWS!! This beautiful elevated erf is located in a quiet street in Pearly Beach with magnificent views of the ocean. If one had to build your dream double story home then the v