26 listings
Project to build Hotel in Tomar in Central Portugal Plot of land with 8,320.00sq.m , located in Tomar, with a superb view under the Convent of Christ and the Castle of the Templars. Land
葡萄牙中心距托馬爾市中心約 1 公里的建築地塊 這片土地面積約為 8,120.00 平方米,毗鄰托馬爾市,佔地面積約為 2,100.00 平方米可以建造房屋 這片土地有一些坡度,並且有一條沒有出口的道路通向該物業。 它可以欣賞到城市的美景托馬爾和基督修道院,被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。 整個周邊地區非常平靜和安靜,進入該物業是合理的,地塊
位於托馬爾市和葡萄牙中部的 Castelo do Bode 大壩之間的建築地塊 這座房屋的建築地塊位於與自然完美和諧的分區中,距離 Serra de 村中心 2 分鐘路程Tomar 那裡有咖啡館、餐館、藥店、超市和醫療站,距離 Castelo do Bode 大壩的 Zezere 河岸有 5 分鐘路程。 這塊土地實際上是平坦的,可以建造房屋在一樓和一樓,每層面積為 10
建築地塊 2,033 平方米,俯瞰葡萄牙中部的托馬爾市 在這個 2,033 平方米的建築地塊上,您可以建造一座面積為 425 平方米的房屋。 這個地塊位於俯瞰世界遺產基督修道院的高處,距離美麗的托馬爾市約 2 分鐘路程。 這是在聖殿騎士城托馬爾過上美好生活的機會,靠近城堡做博德大壩,您可以在那裡進行所有休閒和體育活動。 距里斯本約 1 小時車
Building plot with 2,400m2 about 5km from the city of Tomar in central Portugal This land with about 2.400m2, is located in a small village, very quiet and relaxing, about 5 km from the city of
2 Building plot near the city of Tomar in central Portugal These plots of land for the construction of two houses are located in perfect harmony with Nature and 2 minutes from the center of the
Plot of land 2 km from the city of Tomar in central Portugal This plot of land with 1,040 m2 is located about 2 km from the beautiful city of Tomar. In this completely flat land, you can
Building plot 987 m2 overlooking the city of Tomar in central Portugal On this building plot with 987 m2 you can build a house with an area of 300 m2 of housing. This plot is on a high p
Land and ruin near the city of Tomar in central Portugal This land with about 10.000m2 is located near the village of Coito, about 3km from the historic city of Tomar. The land is practi
Building plot with 3,400m2 about 5km from the city of Tomar in central Portugal This land with about 3.400m2, is located in a small village, very quiet and relaxing, about 5 km from the city of
托馬爾市和葡萄牙中部的 Castelo do Bode 大壩之間的建築地塊 這座房子的建築地塊位於與自然完美和諧的分區中,距離 Serra de 村中心 2 分鐘路程Tomar 那裡有咖啡館、餐館、藥店、超市和醫療站,距離 Castelo do Bode 大壩的 Zezere 河岸 5 分鐘路程。 這塊土地幾乎是平坦的,被授權建造房屋在一樓和一樓,每層面積為 100 平
Building plot about 7 km from the city of Tomar and 6 km from the river Zezere in central Portugal This land with about 840m2, is situated in a small village, very quiet and relaxing at about 7
Building Plot in the city of Tomar, Central Portugal This plot of land of 806,00 sq.m is located in a noble urbanization of the city. The land consists of two levels, allowing you to bui
封閉式社區將在葡萄牙中部的托馬爾建造 9 棟房屋 它距離托馬爾市的歷史中心 1 公里。 它擁有支付封閉式公寓執行費用的許可證,用於 7 個單戶住宅(7 個部分)和 1 個雙戶住宅(2 個部分)和各自的基礎設施。 托馬爾市議會頒發的許可證是獨一無二的,允許同時建造房屋和街道,其中包括所有基礎設施,例如水、下水道、燃氣、電信和電力。 如果業主希望
Land with approved project near the city of Tomar in Central Portugal This fantastic plot of land with an area of 771m2 is located on one of the slopes of the city of Tomar in a quiet and ideal
Building plot with 4,000m2 between the city of Tomar and the River Zezere in central Portugal This land is about 8 km from the city of Tomar and about 6 km from the dam of Castelo do Bode on th
葡萄牙中部托馬爾市附近佔地 40.250 平方米的土地 這片土地位於一個小村莊內,距離聖殿騎士和歷史名城托馬爾約 12 公里。 這片質樸的土地擁有大型鋪面道路前部面積為 40,250.00 平方米 位置: 該物業位於歷史悠久的托馬爾鎮,擁有歷史悠久的基督修道院和由聖殿騎士團建造的城堡12 世紀,被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。
Building Plot with 7.000 sq.m near the city of Tomar in central Portugal This land with 7.080,00 sq.m is located in a small village near the Templar town of Tomar and the dam of the Goat Castle
距葡萄牙中部托馬爾市 1 公里的兩處待售房產 這些房產包括: 第一處房產 建築面積為 2,665 平方米,其中它有一片廢墟,您可以在那裡建造一座約 400 平方米的房屋。 第二處房產 面積為 2.415 平方米的建築地塊,您有一棟可以修復的底層房屋,或者,如果您願意,您可以通過在房間中放置一個項目來建造一座新房子。 <br
Building plot with house in ruins near Tomar in central Portugal This land with about 8,500 m2 is located in a village about 8 km from the historic city of Tomar. The land is inserted in
建築地塊距離葡萄牙中部的托馬爾市 5 公里 這片土地位於托馬爾市附近的一個小村莊。 這是一塊舒適的土地,您可以在其中建造底層房子,或者,如果您願意,有兩層樓。 這塊土地完全平坦,雖然靠近其他建築物,但有足夠的隱私。 你也可以放在一個木房子裡非常適合,可以成為您的小假期或週末度假。 來參觀 位置: 該物
10.000m2 land and ruin near the city of Tomar in central Portugal This land with about 10.000m2 is located near the village of Coito, about 3km from the historic city of Tomar. The land
Building plot with 1,340m2 between the city of Tomar and the River Zezere in central Portugal This land with 1,340 m2 is located in a small village between the historic city of Tomar and the be
Land with approved project for a Residential Structure for the elderly near the city of Tomar in central Portugal This plot of land with an area of 7050 m2 with a project approved by Social Sec