163 listings
位於葡萄牙中部的 Vila Nova de Poiares 附近進行全面翻新的石屋。 這座石屋是用於全面翻新的,它有一些很棒的方面可以建造一座很棒的房子 它位於一個小村莊靠近從 Vila Nova de Poiares 到科英布拉的 N17 路線。如果有興趣,可以將一個項目提交給理事會,並引用這是 2015 年的報價。 它有土地可以建造一個漂亮的花園,它還
獨立式 3 臥室平房位於葡萄牙中部的 Vila Nova de Poiares,擁有帶花園的私人環境。 這座可愛的 3 臥室房屋建於 2010 年,給人一種可愛的感覺。它有 3 間臥室,所有臥室均設有夾層臥室,臥室空間容量增加一倍以上,非常適合有訪客的家庭或希望出租住宿加早餐旅館的人。 該物業位於一個小村莊,可從村莊的一條小巷進入道路,房子風景優美,離城鎮不遠。
This property is in need of some updating. It has great potential to become a lovely family home with lots of space and an enclosed courtyard. It boasts many traditional values and is near the Ser
This property is situated just outside Coimbra near Santa Clara, it has 2 properties, one liveable and the other to renovate with land with good access The property has good access to the IC2 and the
Conveniently located just 5 minutes from the centre of Miranda do Corvo and around 20 minutes from the University city of Coimbra, this detached 4-bedroom property sits in a elevated and private posit
如果您想要在大城市生活的便利,但想要在鄉村生活的寧靜,那麼這裡就是您的理想選擇!坐落在歷史悠久的聖克拉拉一個寧靜、人跡罕至的地方,您只需 5 分鐘車程即可到達科英布拉市中心,還可以享受 500 平方米的私人花園,供您放鬆身心、種植自己的食物,甚至發展豪華露營業務。 物業描述: 進入 5 x 7 米的院子後,您在院子的全長右側有一座大型附屬建築,內部空間為 20 平方米
Two attached houses to renovate in the Figueira da Foz region. These two houses are located in a small village, very beautiful and well maintained, where there is some local commerce and about
ResIdentIal on NatIonal Road 2 In VIla Nova de CeIra, GoIs Property Intended for tourIst development, such as: Hostel; ResIdentIal; Youth Hostel, among others. <br
Detached Traditional 4 bedroom Stone House with Courtyard and Garden near Lousa This property is in need of some updating. It has great potential to become a lovely family home with lots of
Semi detached 4 bedroom property near Gois in Central Portugal. Originally 2 houses this large property has massive potential to become a holiday rental or large family home. It has 4 bedrooms
Now reduced to 155,000 3 Bedroom detached House with commercial space, large gardens in Vila Nova de Poiares in Central Portugal This detached house set back of the road in its own walle
2 bedroom renovated house, borehole, garage and views, close to Gois This 2 bedroom property sits on 543m2 of urban land and has a living area of 71m2. With a construction area of 15
A contemporary and unique 284m2 villa designed by the globally recognised portuguese architect Goncalo Byrne. His vision was to let the garden be the main focus using glass transparent walls and a cen
Vila Nova de Poiares 附近有花園和車庫的廢墟 這個廢墟位於 Vila Nova de Poiares 集鎮外的一個小村莊,它有 2 層以上,有幾個房間。 該物業還有一個陽台和儲藏室,花園位於物業的後面,您還可以在那裡找到一個安全的車庫。 該物業的日期為 1937 年,需要全面翻新,整個屋頂需要更換牆壁完好無損,目前有一塊土地板。
質樸的小屋,在葡萄牙中部盧薩附近的土地上進行翻新。 Casa Rosa 是一座傳統的石製小屋,位於風景如畫的安靜小村莊,坐落在美麗的綠色農業山谷中,享有山景。 這間迷人的物業需要內部裝修, 一樓有 95 平方米,有 4 個房間,一個有開放式壁爐,另一個有一個有吸引力的石麵包烤箱,非常適合比薩餅和燉菜。 樓上還有有95平方米,接收大量自然光;它
Stone built house to renovate next to Serra da Estrela. This house is situated in a small village where there are shops, pharmacies, restaurants, banks etc. The house is located about 1k
House to renovate with a lot of charm in Figueira da Foz. This house is located in Gala-Figueira da Foz, about 5 minutes walk from the beach. In this area there are restaurants, cafes, banks an
6 臥室農場位於一個非常私密的位置,距離佩內拉僅 5 分鐘路程,擁有馬厩、土地和美景。 這處房產很有潛力成為一個可愛的 6 臥室、6 浴室、兩個廚房農場平坦的土地和馬厩。它最初於 2008 年進行了翻修,現在業主已開始計劃將其改造成 6 間臥室的農場。它正在進行中,他們希望“按原樣”出售這個美妙的房產,以供新業主完成。主要結構和實用工程已經完成。現在是時候在房產上蓋上您的印記
PRICE REDUCED FROM 130.000€ to 120.000€ Beautiful 3 Bedroom Stone house in a small village between Penecova and Vila Nova de Poiares in Central Portugal. This quaint stone ho
獨立式 3 臥室 quinta 位於較高位置,享有美景。 這座位於葡萄牙中部 Coja 附近 Vinho 的獨立 3 臥室別墅享有鄉村最迷人的景色;它還擁有 32,050 平方米的土地。 一樓包括帶壁爐的起居室、第二間休息室/日光浴室,可通往帶遮陽篷的大露台、帶廚房的設備齊全的廚房,配有木材爐灶、電烤箱、燃氣灶和排風扇,可使用戶外燒烤區、中央供暖系統、高空面板 3 口井
Village house between Serra da Lousa and the Zezere River in central Portugal This beautiful village house is located next to the Pessegueiro river beach and is inserted in a land with 2150 m2
1 bedroom apartment on the seafront along the beachfront promenade with licensing for local accommodation. Close to entertainment venues (Casino, Bars, Restaurants) and a lively nightlife. 100 meters
4 Bedroom property situated in a small village with patio and gardens near Vila Nova de Poiares This 4 Bedroom property is in a nice situation in a small village, it has air conditioning, w
Property consisting of 3 urban articles in the Rye Valley in Soure. One of the articles consists of a 2-storey townhouse, with 3 divisions, a large patio, large garden and a dependency that served as