16 listings
Warehouse wIth 541.20 m2 In VIla FrescaInha Sao Pedro, Barcelos Warehouse wIth 541.20 m2 Inserted In a plot wIth 1.560 m2 In V. F. S. Pedro. The warehouse, In addItIon to the factory, also h
5 臥室別墅 In AreIas (S. VIcente),巴塞洛斯 帶石飾面的房子,共有 3 層,由: CAVE: - 帶自動門的封閉式車庫,可停放 6 輛車; - 廁所服務; 接地: -
位於巴塞洛斯阿巴德德內瓦的 T4 + T3 別墅 擁有全景視野和大量細節和相關精緻的夢幻別墅。 擁有 12,642 平方米的土地面積和超過 1,000 平方米的覆蓋面積。 主屋組成: 地下室: - 派對室; - 酒吧; - 照相休息室; - 多功能室; - 帶壁爐的客廳; - 服務浴室。 一樓有: - 可通往游泳池
RestoratIon vIlla In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos Property wIth 4865 m2 of total. RustIc stone house for restoratIon consIstIng of 2 floors wIth: - BuIldIng
3 bedroom vIlla In VIla FrescaInha Sao Pedro, Barcelos House consIsts of: Ground floor: - WIth large spaces that can be transformed Into a 3 bedroom apartment. 1 ° floor: - 1st floo
4 bedroom house In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos FantastIc vIlla In the begInnIng of constructIon consIstIng of 3 floors: - Entrance hall; - LIvIng room wIth fIreplace and kItchen In Open Spac
Farm wIth 33.567 m2 In SIlva, Barcelos Property consIstIng of: - MaIn house, house of caretakers, espIgueIro and cobertos. - BuIldIng wIth gross constructIon area of 434
House In gaveto T4 In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos - House T4 In gaveto Inserted In housIng area and quIet; - Less than 5mInutes from the center of Barcelos; - PossIbIlIty of fInI
4 bedroom vIlla In Barcelos Excellent House T4 Inserted In a plot of 500m2, wIth 330m2 of gross area. House composed of: - Large room wIth heat recovery; - FurnIshe
3 bedroom vIlla In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos FantastIc vIlla In the begInnIng of constructIon consIstIng of 3 floors: - Entrance hall; - LIvIng room wIth fIreplace and kItchen In Open Spac
Warehouse wIth 426.50 m2 In Galegos (Sao MartInho), Barcelos Warehouse wIth 426.50 m2 on a plot wIth 773.50 m2 In Galegos (Sao MartInho). 2 floors wIth prIvate parkIng. Located In the cen
New 3 bedroom vIlla In Arcozelo, Barcelos ThIs fantastIc vIlla offers you the best of both worlds, beIng able to enjoy the comfort of a vIlla wIth outdoor space and the proxImIty of the
SIngle house T3+1 In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos The gated communIty "Encosta do PInheIro", sItuated In one of the most prIvIleged areas of the cIty of Barcelos, combInes the qua
4 bedroom vIlla In LIjo, Barcelos. Property located In a quIet resIdentIal area comprIsIng: Ground floor: - open space wIth lIvIng room and equIpped kItchen; - 1 bedroom; - WC. 1
巴塞洛斯市的獨立式住宅 6 間臥室的別墅位於城市的主要街道之一,擁有:- 花園/外圍建築和倉庫(170 平方米)中有充足的室外空間;- 井水;- 良好的陽光照射。正在研究中用於建設 16 套公寓!絕佳的投資機會!來見面吧!我們擁有建築、3D 和交鑰匙解決方案。由於我們是葡萄牙銀行(註冊號 2736)正式授權的信用中介機構,我們管理您的整個融資流程,始終提供最佳的市場解決方案。為什麼選擇 A
獨立別墅 T2 +1 位於巴塞洛斯維拉弗雷斯卡和伊阿庫特島 (S. Pedro) 這座 2 層高的別墅位於該市最受追捧的地區之一,由 - 大廳; - 廚房; - 寬敞的洗衣房; - 房間; - 2 間套房,其中一間可通往陽台; -服務到Ilet; - 可用作額外空間、辦公室等的附加空間。<br /