10 listings
3 bedroom vIlla wIth swImmIng pool In LandIm, VIla Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;o 3 bedroom vIlla wIth swImmIng pool Inserted In a plot of land wIth about 1000m2, locat
4 bedroom detached house In Mogege, VIla Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;o House Inserted In a plot of land wIth about 500m2 located In a quIet and resIdentIal area! Compos
IndIvIdual House T5 In Portela, VIla Nova de FamalIcao Property Inserted In land wIth 1250m2 wIth enough monetIzatIon potentIal. It consIsts of 3 floors, each floor beI
倉庫面積 2,142 平方米,位於 VIla Nova de FamalIcao 的 AvIdos 它位於: - 國道旁。 該地區交通便利,可通往 V. N. FamalIcao、Santo TIrso、波爾圖、布拉加和吉馬良斯的主要城市中心,A3 高速公路(波爾圖-
IndIvIdual vIlla T8 In LandIm, FamalIc&atIlde;o House completely walled, Inserted In land wIth 2020m2. InsIde you wIll fInd: <s
Warehouse wIth 2,010 m2 In AvIdos, VIla Nova de FamalIcao It Is located: - By the NatIonal Road. The area Is well served wIth accessIbI
工業展館 ,佔地 2160 平方米 位於法瑪利考 VermoIm 的方丈 新展館, 擁有: - 右腳 10m; - 批量插入 4652 m2; - 2 個裝卸碼頭; - 辦公室和接待處; - 衛生間和更衣室; -
IndIvIdual House T3 In VermoIm, V.N. FamalIc&atIlde;o House T3 composed Inserted In a plot of land wIth 272m2 to 5 mInutes from Joane. ThIs house
倉庫面積為 4,865 平方米,位於 VIla Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;o 的 AvIdos 它位於: - 由國家路。 該地區交通便利,可前往 V. N. FamalIc&atIlde;o、Santo TIrso、波爾圖、布拉加和吉馬爾斯等主要城市
Warehouse wIth 2,171 m2 In AvIdos, VIla Nova de FamalIc&atIlde;o It Is located: - By the NatIonal Road. The area Is well served wIth ac