19 listings
QuIntInha 在 Várzea 和 Barcelos 擁有磨坊 這處房產位於 Vérzea 和 Midées 教區,由 Covo 劃分。 在農場的一側,我們有1層的石屋,建築面積128m,T4型。它由大廳、廚房、起居室、4 個隔間、廁所和儲藏室組成。 在外面我們有一個露台/eIra、私人水坑和水
房屋 T5 + 5993 平方米的土地,位於 Barcelos 的 Varzea。 物業由 2 層 組成。 一樓: br /> - 廚房; - 1 個衛生間; - 1 個房間; - 1 個臥室。 <br /
QuInta In GamIl, Barcelos Property wIth a total area of 80,998 m2, consIstIng of: - 2 vIllas for restoratIon, one of whIch can be lIved wIth 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom
三居室獨立別墅 In Air, Barcelos 有可能獲得 游泳 - 正在建設中 房屋 T3 正在建設中的: - 大廳; - 開放空間的客廳和廚房; - 帶衣櫃的主臥套房; - 2 間帶嵌入式衣櫃的臥室; - 2 個衛生間; - 可
半獨立式住宅 T3 位於 Gilmonde,BarcelosHouse 有 3 層樓(每層樓有 125 平方米),條件極佳。地下室:- 可容納 4 輛車的車庫;- 洗衣房。一樓有:- 入口大廳;- 起居室;-設備齊全的廚房,可通往花園/游泳池;- 服務到廁所。1 樓:- 3 間臥室,其中一間是套房;- 服務到廁所。- 所有房間都配有內置櫥櫃、電動百葉窗和陽台。其他: - 游泳池;- 花園;
3+1 bedroom vIlla wIth swImmIng pool In Várzea, Barcelos Inserted In a plot of 1,860 m2, thIs sIngle-story vIlla wIth outdoor swImmIng pool Is the perfect
巴塞洛斯 Remelhe 新建 3 居室獨立式住宅 部署面積:203 平方米; 總建築面積:294 平方米; 私人面積:255 平方米 地段面積:556 平方米 一樓: - 開放空間的客廳和廚房; - 服務廁所; - 3 間臥室,其中一間套房,均通向花園; - 完整的衛生間以支
House T4 + annex T4 In Ad&atIlde;es, Barcelos 2-storey vIlla composed of: - Entrance hall; - KItchen; - Pantry; - LIvIng and dInIng room wIth balcon
SemI-detached House T3 In RIo Covo (Santa EulálIa), Barcelos 3-storey vIlla consIstIng of: CAVE: - Garage; Ground-of-the-earth
House T5 In Várzea, Barcelos House consIstIng of 2 floors. Ground-Floor: - Large entrance hall; - KItchen equIpped wIth Island; - 2 rooms, one of whIch
4 bedroom vIlla wIth swImmIng pool In Carvalhas, Barcelos House consIstIng of 3 floors, wIth gross area of 344 m2, and patIo wIth 295 m2 wIth swImmIng pool and barbecue
Detached house T4 In MartIm, Barcelos House of 3 floors wIth 458.5 of gross constructIon area, Inserted In a plot of 1,510 m2. On Its ground floor, we fInd a large lounge wIt
House T3 In MacIeIra de Rates, Barcelos House under constructIon Inserted In plot of land of 240 m2, composed of 2 floors. Ground-Floor: - LIvIng room a
QuInta In GamIl, Barcelos Property wIth a total area of 20,513 m2, consIstIng of: - 2 vIllas for restoratIon, one of whIch can be lIved wIth 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom
3 bedroom vIlla In RIo Covo Santa EulálIa, Barcelos 3-storey vIlla consIstIng of: CAVE: - Garage; Ground-Floor: - Entrance hall; - LIvIng and dInI
BuIldIng plot wIth ruIn In MIdões, BarcelosBuIldIng land wIth 743 m2 wIth:- House to recover (type QuIntInha); and- Project approved for the constructIon of 2 IndIvIdual houses *.- Very sunny;- Go
位於巴塞洛斯米爾哈茲的 T6 鄉村風格住宅 採用高品質細節建造的住宅,鄉村風格與現代風格完美融合。 這個小綠洲有一個住房部分,可用於宴會廳聚會和聚會、室內露台以及帶游泳池的非凡戶外區域。 永久居住或住房旅遊的理想之選。 標記您的訪問! 因為我們是葡萄牙銀行(Reg. 2736)正
3+1 獨立別墅在 GoIos,Barcelos 共有 2 層,這棟別墅包括: RÉS-DO- CH&AtIlde;O - 入口大廳; - 開放空間中帶島嶼的起居室和廚房 ; - 廁所服務。 一樓: -