96 listings
Typical Detached House, 60sqm, in Alves, Mértola, in the Lower Alentejo. Alves village has public sanitation. Grid water, electricity and street lighting. Coffee and nearby services. Detached house, i
酒窖與鄉村旅遊 T8 位於 Entradas 和 Castro Verde 村莊附近,距離貝雅市 35 公里。 該旅遊項目位於 162 公頃的農業地產中,這裡的主要文化是葡萄樹。除了葡萄酒行業,Herdade 還專注於鄉村旅遊和葡萄酒旅遊。一個空間,由於其潛力、舒適性和質量,提供差異化的體驗,為訪問我們的人提供難忘的住宿。 該物業有一個旅遊項目,佔地400平方米,包括6間套房、2間臥室、遊戲
餐廳和旅館業務已出售,位置優越,靠近海灘\n盈利業務,4 月至 10 月入住率 95%。\n 餐廳可容納 50 個座位和露台 20 個座位\n旅館:\n樓上 6 間雙人房\n3 間位於底樓的雙人間和套房。
The total estate covers 5.5 hectares and in addition to all the buildings you will find centuries-old cork oaks, 300 olive trees and 100 mature orange trees that provide the daily fresh orange juice.
Traditional Alentejo Townhouse-Brites Gomes\n\nVilla comprising 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, located in the municipality of M?rtola. The harmonious distribution allows 2 different accesses to the hous
莊園 在目前的設置中,莊園由許多包裹組成,每個包裹都有自己的用途。那裡有建造三座房子的地塊。此外,還有7公頃的橡樹用於木材供應。有 26 公頃用於種植農作物,6 公頃用於種植軟木橡樹。 莊園內目前有 3 個不同大小的湖泊,當前的許可證允許再創建 2 個湖泊。這使得這個莊園的潛力更大。想想在湖邊搭帳篷。 可以從湖泊中註滿蓄水池,總容量不少於 68,000 升水。這些水用於為所有房屋和馬厩供應自來
The estate In its present set-up, the estate consists of a number of parcels, each with its own purpose. There are the building plots on which the three houses are built. In addition, there are 7 hect
莊園\n在目前的設置中,莊園由許多地塊組成,每個地塊都有自己的用途。有建造三座房屋的建築地塊。此外,還有7公頃的橡樹供木材供應。有 26 公頃用於種植農作物,6 公頃用於種植軟木橡樹。 \n\n莊園目前有 3 個不同大小的湖泊,目前的許可證允許再創建 2 個湖泊。這使得這個莊園的潛力更大。想想在湖泊附近放置帳篷。 \n\n來自湖泊的蓄水池可以裝滿,總容量不少於68,000升水。這些水用於為所有房屋
Excellent T4 Farm in a village like new in the municipality of M?rtola, it has 4 bedrooms, one en suite, a 35m2 living room with fireplace, kitchen, 12m2 pantry, 2WC, completely fenced with 2 entrance
土地面積 95,556 平方米,由 29 塊基礎設施和批准的分配項目組成,用於建設包括 145 套住宅的豪華開發項目:別墅、住宅公寓、旅遊公寓、商業和酒店單元。總建築面積按48015平方米分佈為住宅、商業和旅遊。位於一個非常受歡迎的地區,距離大海不到 1.5 公里。獨特的投資機會,聯繫我們了解更多信息!
Located in the heart of the Alentejo region, this house with typical characteristics, was subject to a complete and very tasteful remodelling. It is composed of a bedroom (18m2), bathroom, equipped
壯觀的宅基地位於 120 多公頃的土地上,和平、自然和迷人的風景融為一體。種植了10萬棵石松,幾年後就會結果。人工湖為酒店帶來更多魅力,並允許進行劃獨木舟、釣魚等活動。 一個古老的羊棚已被改造成狩獵亭,這是該地區的一項重要旅遊活動,可容納150多人。該機構已獲得許可,並且設備齊全,可以組織研討會、婚禮或靜修等活動。 4間洋房已經安裝完畢,正在申請許可。您可以在湖邊釣魚、劃獨木舟,如果您願意,露營者
土地出售面積超過 22 公頃(226,180 平方米) 位於Póvoa de São Miguel,約8公里。距 Amareleja 中心 8 分鐘車程,非常靠近西班牙。 兩篇矩陣文章,您將能夠在其中找到農田和農業設施基礎設施。您還將找到一個飼養鳥類的絕佳區域和一個 2 臥室房屋(無使用許可證),其中包括兩間帶衣櫃的臥室、帶壁爐的客廳、小廚房和寬敞的浴室。與這所房子相鄰的是一個帶夢幻般的區域的客廳
100% organic farm with heliport and Santa Clara dam on the shores of the property, terraces, garden and garage, with 468 m2 of gross construction area, located on a 57000 m2 plot of land in Santa Clar
Alentejo Portugal 13 Bedroom Country Estate 是一座大型房產,靠近雄偉的城堡和中世紀的蒙薩拉茲村。主要物業包括一個入口大廳、4 個接待區、一個大廚房、餐廳、圖書館、儲藏室、洗衣房、辦公室、衣帽間、10 間臥室和 7 間浴室。還有一個獨立的房子,提供客廳、設備齊全的廚房、3 間臥室和 1 間浴室。外面是一個海水游泳池、幾個露台、燒烤和戶外用餐區、車棚、停車位
Excelente terreno urbano em Santa Luzia em Ourique, mais propriamente no sítio do Cruzeiro.Local bem tranquilo de fácil acesso, junto a estrada alcatroada.Este imóvel tem várias casas de habitação par
Terreno urbano com ruína e possibilidade de ampliação na encantadora vila de Almodôvar. Localização muito tranquila, ideal para apreciar a natureza. O terreno possui uma área total de 315m², uma área
Moradia térrea T5 em Panóias com quintal num local calmo e tranquilo, com uma área bruta de 125 m² e 77 m² úteis,Esta moradia localizada na aldeia de Panóias, no concelho de Ourique, foi recentement
Land for sale with mobile homes in the Alentejo Region of Portugal Euroresales Property iD - 9826407 Property Location ,Monte Couelas Vale D'Oruo Ferrera Do A
美麗的 3 臥室農舍,位於令人驚嘆的位置,Saboia, Odemira, Beja, Alentejo, 葡萄牙 Euroresales 房產 ID - 9826360 房產位置 Casa da Colina, Monte do Altinho, Saboia, Odemira, Beja, 7663 -
-Moradia totalmente recuperada tipicamente alentejana, com um pequeno logradouro, 3 quartos, 1 sala, cozinha, 1 casa de banho com base de chuveiro, arrecadação, no exterior existe um amplo quintal co
€280k GOLDEN VISA Investment Opportunity With Guaranteed Buyback Co-ownership hotel project (with guaranteed buyback) - 280k Euros: Beja Hotel (4-star hotel, flagged by
Excelente terreno com grande potencial no concelho de Ourique com armazém para atividade industrial e árvores de fruto.Ótimo investimento a poucos quilómetros do coração da vila de Ourique.Venha conhe