5 listings
This ready-to-move-in condominium apartment with an armored security door belongs to a building in excellent general condition with a large entrance hall and a spacious elevator. Located in a neighbor
這個迷人的鄉村莊園位於美麗的 Partinico Hills 的 Monacelli 區,以其溫和的天氣和肥沃的地形而聞名。 Partinico 是著名音樂家 Frank Zappa 的故鄉,擁有豐富的歷史地標,例如古老的 Albachiara 和 Bonura 塔樓或 Reale Cantina Borbonica(皇家波旁酒窖)——葡萄酒、烈酒和橄欖的重要收集和銷售中心內置油 1800 - 這
PALERMO, PARTINICO: Buy in Sicily - Real Estate offers the exclusive sale of a beautiful villa on Partinico a few km from Alcamo and its wonderful coastline. The property covers an area of 9000 square
PALERMO,PARTINICO:在西西里島購買 - Real Estate 獨家出售位於 Partinico 的美麗別墅,距離阿爾卡莫及其美妙的海岸線僅幾公里。該物業佔地面積9000平方米,由三棟建築組成。主別墅有一個優雅的客廳、一個可以看到游泳池的廚房、兩間臥室、一間洗衣房、一間浴室和一個供書房使用的夾層樓。外面有一個帶大房間和廚房的當地附樓。還有一個大陽台用作游泳池的茶點室。在大片土地上
RAGUSA, CAVA D 'ALIGA: Buy in Sicily Real Estate offers the exclusive sale of a lovely newly built villa. The villa is in good condition and is spread over a single floor of about 130sqm, the living