24 listings
我們在一個非常安靜的住宅環境中出售一棟帶花園、小樹林/松樹和土地的獨立別墅。 在房子的前面有一個舒適的汽車院子。入口處有一個石頭天井。別墅內部包括帶壁爐的大型起居區、小廚房、三間臥室、兩間浴室、一間連接浴室。 通過起居室,可以進入一個大型鋪砌涼亭,俯瞰花園,帶小廚房。外部浴室。 別墅狀況良好。 配件:空調,壁爐......
A volte si ha la possibilità di realizzare un sogno, questa residenza ne è la prova. Avere una proprietà sul mare cristallino di Polignano, essere a pochi passi dal porto turistico di 'Cala Ponte', go
在濱海波利尼亞諾農村出售的農舍。房子周圍有 10,000 米的林地,分為幾層,共 350 平方米,分為幾套公寓。 一樓公寓設有廚房和客廳、2 間臥室、一間浴室和一間小中庭。 一樓的第二間公寓經過修復,保留了原有的特色,例如石頭拱形天花板、“瓦索”地板、2 個大石頭壁爐、通往二樓的樓梯、臥室、浴室和露台。 通過該地區農場典型的特殊外部樓梯,您可以進入第三間公寓,入口位於客廳、廚房、
Prestigious and elegant fully furnished two-level villa. The villa consists of a ground floor with large living / dining room, kitchenette, two bathrooms and two bedrooms. The floor is completed
Rustico 位於濱海波利尼亞諾(Polignano a Mare)鄉村的全景區域。 濱海波利尼亞諾(Polignano a Mare)鄉村待售建築,可欣賞大海和孔韋爾薩諾(Conversano)的全景。 該結構目前處於未完成狀態,非常適合打造旅遊酒店活動。 內表面約1600平方米,分三層,周圍土地約5公頃。 物業條件:鄉村風格 位置:鄉村 景
Nel Comune di Polignano, a tre km da Triggianello proponiamo in vendita una casa panoramica allo stato grezzo in zona tranquilla immersa nelle verdi campagne, ma allo stesso tempo abitata. La propriet
Masseria Strada Comunale Lamacerase, Polignano a Mare (Bari) - M 03 - 700 年代的老式農舍採用石頭製成,帶有拱形和桶形拱頂天花板。一樓和一樓之間面積約250平方米,有兩個大露台,可擴建約100平方米。約19,000平方米的土地,可建造約1000平方米的旅遊目的地酒店,用於自流水。 項目已獲得旅遊目的地酒店批准,已支
POLIGNANO A MARE - 15 世紀 MASSERIA 位於 Polignano 第一個腹地的一座主要山丘上,我們出售一座可追溯到 15 至 16 世紀的宏偉農舍。該結構還包括古老的hypogea和一個小教堂。該物業還被種植橄欖樹和耕地的土地所包圍。更多信息在我們的辦公室以保密方式提供。
Trulli C.da Montaltino, Polignano a Mare (Bari) - R 176 - 房地產綜合體由 2 個相鄰的單元組成,分別稱為“Trulli di Montaltino”和“Fienile”,位於全景安靜的區域,距離 Castellana Grotte 3 公里,距離 Castellana Grotte 13 公里Polignano a Mare。 “蒙塔
POLIGNANO A MARE - 15 世紀 MASSERIA 位於 Polignano 第一個腹地的一座主要山丘上,我們出售一座可追溯到 15 至 16 世紀的宏偉農舍。該結構還包括古老的 hypogea 和一座小教堂。該物業周圍還環繞著種植有橄欖樹和耕地的土地。我們的辦公室以保密方式提供更多信息。
In the Polignano hinterland, in the stretch between Polignano, Castellana and Conversano, we offer for sale a prestigious and fascinating historic farmhouse, of undoubted beauty surrounded by 1 h
位於 S. Vito - Polignano a Mare 的貝殼狀態的房產,最近在波爾圖伯爵夫人區建造,靠近碼頭,距離大海 100 米。該建築由面積約115平方米的地下室、約平方米的夾層(房屋)組成。 86,一個有蓋的陽台,一個可以看到山和海的大露台,還配備了自己的場地。該土地由供水和污水處理設施提供服務。 可能性:2 間臥室、2 間浴室、廚房和客廳。地下車庫。有蓋門廊。 <
S. Vito - Polignano a Mare 的房產殼,最近在距離大海 100 m 的碼頭附近的波爾圖伯爵夫人區建造。該建築由約 140 平方米的地下室、約 126 平方米的夾層(房屋)和帶頂棚的門廊組成。 可建造:3 間臥室、2 間浴室、廚房、客廳、公用設施房間,帶頂棚的陽台。 物業狀況:在建 等級:優雅 花園:私人...
We offer for sale 3 APARTMENTS soon to be built with excellent finishes and every possible comfort. Three ground floors with large covered and uncovered verandas, consisting of: living-dining room wi
The Villa, which enjoys an enchanting view, is immersed in the green of its 10,000 square meters of garden with native Mediterranean plants such as olive trees, mastic, rosemary, and thyme. Developed
We offer for sale, 15 minutes by car from Monopoli, and 10 from Polignano a Mare, a semi-restructured farmhouse in contrada Triggianello in Polignano. The house is located in a quiet area, with priva
Shell of property in S. Vito - Polignano a Mare, recently built, in the district of Porto Countess near the marina at 100 m from the sea. The building consists of a basement of about 140 square meter
We offer for sale 4 APARTMENTS soon to be built with excellent finishes and every possible comfort. Two flats on the first floor and two on the second floor of 100 square metres, 2 of which have a se
Property in shell state in S. Vito - Polignano a Mare, recently built, in the district of Porto Countess, near the marina, 100 meters from the sea. The building consists of an area of basement of abo
Polyclinic - Lama Monachile - Polignano a Mare We offer for sale in the centre of Polignano a Mare, an outpatient clinic of approximately 400 square metres, currently furnished with medical equipment
We offer for sale an entire building on three levels with sea view, completely to be renovated, in Polignano a Mare. The house consists of: ground floor of approximately 31 sqm with independent acces
Farmhouse with land in a residential area with sea view in Polignano a Mare. We offer for sale a farmhouse only 4 km from the centre of Polignano a Mare and 6 km from the centre of Monopoli. The prop