34 listings
我們很高興為您介紹位於 Corte dei Romiti 的獨特而獨特的房產,距離大教堂只有幾米,整棟建築共有三層,在一個私人安靜的庭院中設有獨立入口。在一樓的入口與相鄰的技術室和地下室相連,建築物的完整和復雜的系統完全隱藏在其中,在右側,帶有大型大理石台階的舒適優雅的樓梯間可以進入主要和代表性的一樓。我們遇到了一個溫暖而溫馨的環境,從鑲木地板色調的金色橡木和牆壁的樸素顏色開始,從由小拱頂切割的天
優雅和歷史與舒適和設計相得益彰,其內在美令人著迷。 一棟 17 世紀建築的二樓和頂樓配備了舒適的電梯,可俯瞰薩蘭托巴洛克傑作聖十字大教堂,這是巴洛克在 Terra d' 的最高雕塑表現奧特朗托這間公寓是和諧理性設計的結果,接待室是房子的真正支點,兩扇大窗戶賦予了其獨特的特徵,不僅景色更像兩幅大型畫作 - 藝術品。事實上,在優雅的家居陳設中,聖十字大教堂的眾多裝飾在小天使百合和石榴中脫穎而出
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Via Varese - 在萊切最獨特的地區,靠近 viale Aldo Moro,La Gabetti Immobiliare 展示了“Apulia Residence”,這是一個享有盛譽的豪華住宅,位於一個住宅區內,由 6 棟三層的獨棟別墅組成,享有全景電梯和大花園。所有六棟別墅都由許多相關性、游泳池和獨特而獨特的元素結合在一起。追求卓越的動力體現在單元的各個方面,精確地希望只提供一定水平的高
物業詳情: 距聖奧龍佐廣場僅幾步之遙,這是一座 19 世紀早期的大型典雅時期建築。它在地面、一樓、二樓以及大型酒窖和所有相關的太陽能區域開發其房間 全部顯示
在靠近市中心的一個享有盛譽的綠色區域,我們展示了一個由 20 棟半獨立式別墅組成的建築工地,位於地上兩層;出色的飾面。可以在不同類型之間進行選擇。 - 酒店 顯示全部 物業詳情: 房間數量:4 臥室數量:3 浴室數量:3
可追溯至 19 世紀下半葉的永久業權時期房屋,擁有星形拱頂和私人土地。 \n\n\n該物業需要修復,距離萊切市中心僅 3 公里,內部總建築面積約 300 平方米。 (3230 平方英尺),包括住宿、馬厩和烤箱房,以及約 33,000 平方米的土地。 (3 公頃)部分農業用地和部分建築用地。\n\n\n這座美妙的房產既適合用作私人住宅,也適合用作那些希望在絕對舒適和放鬆中體驗薩倫託鄉村的人的接受結構
Freehold period house dating back to the second half of the Nineteenth Century, boasting star-shaped vaults and private land. The property, in need of restoration, is situated just 3 km from the ci
在獨棟別墅的專屬住宅綜合體中,我們以現代創新的城市風格和與環境相協調的視角呈現別墅項目。可持續生活和生活質量之間的絕對和諧,特別關注節能、可再生能源和室內外空間的宜居性。由於使用生態可持續材料和減少能源需求,每棟別墅都確保了適當的生活舒適度。 別墅以其線性和現代設計脫穎而出,大窗戶和精美的飾面,周圍環繞著大約 10 平方米的花園。 1.000,00 內部環境個性化的廣泛可能性:大
Luxurious 210 sqm Villa with Restored Ancient Pajara, nestled in a context of prestigious villas and surrounded by a 5,000 sqm Garden, just 3 km from the Beaches. The Villa is spread over a single le
Garden 10,000 sqm //Interior surface 496 sqm // 4 bedrooms // 5 bathrooms // +1 bedroom // Caravan-Dependance for children // Sea 2 km. A few steps from the beautiful white sandy beaches, but in the
The decommissioned Tobacco Mill for sale in Castrignano del Capo is an ancient structure, dating back to the end of 1800. It covers an area of 700 sqm covered and it is arranged on two levels. The in
This beautiful property is located in the historic center of Giuliano di Lecce, a small village characterized by an ancient castle dating back to the 16th century, a menhir that preserves the history
For sale is a plot of 11,400 square meters, with an approved project with a Building Permit for a Villa of 130 square meters, as well as a 35 square meter ancient stone building, to be used as a Gues
Situated in the heart of the historic city of Lecce, renowned for its rich architectural heritage and vibrant culture, this extraordinary property stands as a unique real estate jewel. Lecce, often c
It is a fortified Masseria of 900 square meters, with the possibility of building new buildings in typical medieval style for another 2000 covered square meters, to be used as a tourist accommodation
Masseria degli Angeli is located just 6 km from the most famous seaside resorts of Pescoluse and Lido Marini. Surrounded by 5 hectares of land, this farmhouse, intended for Agritourism, can also be u
In the green lung of the capital of Salento, Compartment "M", there is the greenest park of Lecce, with Independent Smart Villas, arranged on a single level, from 117 to 240 covered square meters, in
5 bedroom Villa for sale: Lecce, 73100, Italy ------------ 5 Reference: 37122_DA7 Key Features 160 m2 Swimming pool 5 bedrooms 5 bathrooms Summary <