5 listings
ALESSANDRIA - La Cascina Belaria e situata tra le verdi e tranquille colline dell'alessandrino, in Valle San Bartolomeo, a 4 chilometri dalla citta e dall'accesso dell'autostrada. L'edificio e stat
We are in the countryside of Alessandria a few km from the city, surrounded by greenery and tranquility, a place where you can dedicate time for yourself and escape from the stress of everyday life.Th
We are in the countryside of Alessandria, a few km from the city, immersed in greenery and tranquility.The imposing villa consists of two independent apartments: the first composed of living room with
該物業位於亞歷山德里亞省蒙費拉托和朗格之間山丘上一個迷人的村莊。這座城堡後來被克里斯蒂娜·迪·博爾伯恩女王陛下購買,因此更名為“皇家城堡”,至今仍保留著原來的防禦牆。該物業由城堡和前馬厩組成,周圍環繞著一個美麗的公園,公園內有水景和綠色陰影區,與百年樹齡和兩百年樹齡的梧桐樹交替出現。自 1367 年該鎮落入 Galeazzo Visconti 的財產以來,官方文件中就提到了這座城堡,但可以肯定的