12 listings
高爾夫景觀 重溫遺產 Golf View 是一棟殖民地風格的平房,位於科塔吉里 (Kotagiri) 的茶園內。這所房子保留了舊世界的魅力,而且面積寬敞。 該物業靠近 Coonoor-Kotagiri 主幹道,可到達 Kotagiri 路。該酒店位於科塔吉里(Kotagiri)外,享有潘迪安公園(Pandian Park)周圍茶園的美景。 這座擁有 60 年曆史的平房建於獨立後的尼爾吉里斯,
Thuriya A charming abode Thuriya is a 3-bedroom house designed by a renowned architect and executed by a builder at Sua Serenitea. The house was built in 2021 for the current owners at Sua Serenitea,
Imagine living in the middle of a valley, surrounded by forest-covered hills, potato fields, tea estates and a couple of indigenous villages in the Nilgiris? This setting is precisely what the country
Joanna & Perch Let time stand still..... A beautiful cottage at the end of the road, situated at the edge of a hill, looks into the vast tea gardens and forests across the mountains and a creek flowi
喬安娜和珀奇 讓時間靜止...... 路的盡頭有一座美麗的小屋,坐落在山邊,俯瞰著山間廣闊的茶園和森林,以及下面山谷中流淌的小溪。喬安娜和珀奇及時站定,沒有任何事物擾亂周圍的慣性。 房屋設有一個小型禪宗花園和毗鄰鋪砌車道的整潔文物,歡迎您的光臨。一條石頭和混凝土的小路和樓梯引導您到達這兩個單元,同時繞過面向小溪和山丘的房產。 喬安娜 - 第一條路將帶您進入喬安娜的陽台,即大樓的主屋。與傳統一