4 listings
在我們的報價中,我們重點介紹杜布羅夫尼克附近一座獨特的古老石屋! 這家迷人的酒店位於風景如畫的Brsečina小鎮的緩坡上,享有大海的美麗景色。整個房產佔地 1687 平方米,令人羨慕,您可以從主幹道開車前往,不受阻礙。 一進入Brsečine,你就會被大自然、地中海的氣味、綠色的樹冠和鹽所迷住。高高的石牆後面隱藏著一個真正的小天堂,保存著這個地區過去的故事。儘管該房產目前尚未完全輝煌,但古老
3 separate buildings with a common entrance are for sale in the gentle settlement, not far from Dubrovnik. The listed houses have a total of 200 m2 netto living area and are for complete renovation. R
Dubrovnik area - the place of Brsečine, an exclusive project of a luxury villa with a swimming pool and a panoramic view of the sea and the Elafite Islands. The villa is designed to represent modern a
Dubrovnik area - the place of Brsečine, an exclusive project of a luxury villa with a pool and a panoramic view of the sea and the Elafite islands. The villa is designed to represent modern architectu