77 listings
Start a small hobby farm, homestead or set up your vacation retreat! One of seventeen cooperative sites on a 170 acre parcel, Site 13 offers one of the flattest building lots available and its proximi
Start a small hobby farm, homestead or set up your vacation retreat! One of seventeen cooperative sites on a 170 acre parcel, Site 7 features beautiful arbutus and rock bluffs. It has a laneway alread
Start a small hobby farm, homestead or set up your vacation retreat! One of seventeen cooperative sites on a 170 acre parcel, Site 8 offers a gentle sloping lot overlooking the wetlands with multiple
Start a small hobby farm, homestead or set up your vacation retreat! One of seventeen cooperative sites on a 170 acre parcel, Site 17 follows the northern boundary of the property and offers a mix of
擁有 3 個獨立產權的 0.56 英畝商業地產的難得機會。組合地段的正面面積約為 233 英尺,深度為 115 英尺。目前作為一家受歡迎的日本餐廳經營,該建築面積為 1592 平方英尺,包含一個室外露台區和鋪好的寬敞停車位,並在後方地段線設置了新圍欄。此次銷售僅包括土地和建築物,不包括業務。位於帕克斯維爾市南部,劃為 CS-1 和 OCP,為混合用途/高速公路商業區。此屬性位於城市供水和下水道,設