4 listings
Part buIlt block * 3 commercIal unIts plus 14 apartments In thIs block * Located close to the entrance of Santa MarIa * EstImated €200,000 to complete the buIld * App
LookIng for premIses for your commercIal venture then these could be the Ideal locatIon for your needs * 218 M2 per unIt set over ground floor and basement * StaIrs down at back of buIld
Located close to maIn road Into Santa MarIa * Large commercIal unIt - Internal 96 M2 - external 133 M2 * Perfect for restaurant or bar * In great condItIon * PrIced at S
位於受歡迎的 Djadsal MoradIas 公寓樓 * 居民和遊客使用這些公寓 * 酒吧、餐館、商店和辦公室在該地區經營 * 有兩個單位可用- 未使用在黃色街區 48 M2,更大的單位在藍色街區,目前用作美容院 81.69 M2 * 從聖瑪麗亞中心很容易到達,在希爾頓酒店對面 * 任何人的理想位置業務類型 *