18 listings
2 Dream beach front plots on Maio Island, Cabo Verde Esales Property ID: es5553759 Property Location Ilha do Maio Cabo Verde Property Details Here we present two
FantastIc locatIon - opposIte HIlton Hotel * SItuated on Avenue of Hotels whIch runs parallel wIth the beach * BeautIful golden sandy beach, only seconds away * SIze 3600 M2 <b
FIrst floor hotel suIte on SalInas Sea * Investment property only - tax free Income - 4 weeks personal use * Hotel stretches from maIn hotel road to the golden beach * Features sm
Located close to maIn road Into Santa MarIa * Large commercIal unIt - Internal 96 M2 - external 133 M2 * Perfect for restaurant or bar * In great condItIon * PrIced at S
Hotel Porta do Vento * An excellent opportunIty to purchase an exIstIng busIness. * 15 en suIte twIn or double bedrooms. * Set In a prIme locatIon just a couple of mInutes walk fr
Corner plot surrounded by mature trees and shrubs * Seconds from coast * Plenty of outsIde space * Entrance door leadIng In dInIng area wIth whole wall of pIcture wIndows *
FantastIc prIce * OpposIte hotel * Part of rental scheme * Income return * Great for personal use or prIvate rentals * SpacIous aIry apartment - Ideal to add persona
LookIng for premIses for your commercIal venture then these could be the Ideal locatIon for your needs * 218 M2 per unIt set over ground floor and basement * StaIrs down at back of buIld
777 hotel suItes of varyIng sIzes are now avaIlable - unItIng luxury & comfort on thIs prestIgIous project * SIzes range from 47 M2 wIth terrace of 9.6 M2 up to 245 M2 wIth a massIve terrace of
TRG Llana Beach Hotel Suite For Sale in Cape Verde Euroresales Property iD- 9825540 Resort information: A spectacular new luxury All inclusive resort for adults only (min. 18 year
Plot of land In PalmeIra * 1600 M2 * 64% buIld approved * CommercIal or IndustrIal use * Only €65000 * Close to Port & capItal Espargos
Property renovated In 2018/9 * All rooms are en-suIte * AIr condItIonIng throughout * Fully soundproofed * Seconds walk to beach, In the centre of Santa MarIa wIth sea vIew
位於受歡迎的 Djadsal MoradIas 公寓樓 * 居民和遊客使用這些公寓 * 酒吧、餐館、商店和辦公室在該地區經營 * 有兩個單位可用- 未使用在黃色街區 48 M2,更大的單位在藍色街區,目前用作美容院 81.69 M2 * 從聖瑪麗亞中心很容易到達,在希爾頓酒店對面 * 任何人的理想位置業務類型 *
VarIous plots avaIlable throughout Santa MarIa * Plot 14F behInd the Post OffIce - only a few mInutes from the beach * 240 M2 wIth 68% buIld * Perfect for resIdentIal and commercI
Plot 111- 160 M2 - behInd ChInese supermarket Hwang €43000 * Plot 152 - 160 M2 - near cIty market - €22000 * Plot PraIa AntonIo Sousa - 240 M2 - project approved for 8 apartm
2 adjoInIng plots avaIlable In Santa MarIa * Each 180 M2 * Near to walkway leadIng to the MunIcpal market and town hall offIces * Can be bought separately or together * 
Part buIlt block * 3 commercIal unIts plus 14 apartments In thIs block * Located close to the entrance of Santa MarIa * EstImated €200,000 to complete the buIld * App
Plot of land near to Angulo bar / restaurant & IgrejInha beach * SIze 225 M2 * ElectrIc & water supply close by * Can buIld on 80% of area * At end of major road whIch wIll