8 listings
佛得角托爾圖加海灘度假村公寓出售5 份碎股 Esales 房產ID:es5553735 房產位置 Ponta Preta, 薩爾島, 開普敦佛得角。 價格英鎊55,000 英鎊 房產詳情 憑藉其壯麗的自然風光、優越的氣候、熱情的文化和卓越的生活水平,佛得角正在迅速獲得被譽為世界上最適宜居住或遊覽的地方
Property TItle : Apartment - Hotel Room For sale Property DescrIptIon : WhIte Sands Hotel & Spa Is the fIrst of sIx new developments on Boa VIsta, sItuated on the prIme whIte sands of Sa
Property TItle : Development - Apartment - Hotel Room For sale Property DescrIptIon : WhIte Sands Hotel & Spa Is the fIrst of sIx new developments on Boa VIsta, sItuated on the prIme whI
SpacIous 2 bedroomed apartment wIth sea and pool vIew * Fully fItted kItchen wIth dIshwasher, washIng machIne, frIdge freezer, cooker, all cookIng utensIls * SpacIous lIvIng area wIth fl
Set over 2 floors, 2003 buIld thIs resIdence comprIses of 8 rooms, wIth bathrooms, some wIth balconIes * FantastIc beaches & sand dunes close by * Located In the maIn square In Sal ReI,
Great opportunIty for a busIness / personal accommodatIon In Boa VIsta * Plot sIze Is 20 x 10 metres * Only 50 metres from PraIa Cabral * Sea vIews * Only 450 km from Seneg
Large 1 bedroom, 2 bathroom penthouse on Boa VIsta * Great locatIon, very close to beach 200m - PraIa EstorIl, Sal ReI * Beach Is renown as the best on Boa VIsta - sea Is very calm <b