26 listings
Lion Castle Estate 位於中心位置,海拔約 1,000 英尺,享有涼爽的微風和島嶼南海岸和西海岸的美景。距霍爾敦 (Holetown) 僅 10 分鐘路程,距沃倫斯 (Warrens) 僅 15 分鐘路程,所有企業、購物中心、海灘餐廳和醫療設施距離酒店都只有很短的車程。 這個美麗的開發項目擁有 53 個住宅地塊,面積從大約 15,500 平方英尺到 40,600 平方英尺不等,每個
This lot is elevated and breezy lots located in the development of Countryside South in St Thomas. This area is just a short drive from the ABC highway and all of the amenities that Warrens has