80 listings
AVAILABLE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 23/24* This is a brilliant 4-bed property in central Selly Oak, just a 15-minute walk from the University of Birmingham and a 10-minute walk from the shops, bars and ame
可供 22/23 學年使用* 高規格學生住宅,大型 8 床物業。房子經過全面翻新,非常值得一看。所有房間都有雙人床、衣櫃、書桌和抽屜櫃、Chrome Spur 擱架、別針板有線互聯網。3 間帶強力淋浴的大型淋浴間、充足熱水的大型水箱。 廚房 - 充足檯面和儲物櫃、底座燈、大型屋頂燈。 灶具、3 個高冰箱和洗碗機。餐桌和椅子。 大型食品儲藏櫃。 雜物間與
ALL BILLS INCLUDED** REDUCED DEPOSIT AMOUNT TO £300! A fantastic 7-bed property for a fantastic price, just a 20-minute walk from the University of Birmingham and a 15-minute walk from
RECENTLY REFURBISHED PROPERTY AVAILABLE FOR 23/24 ACADEMIC YEAR* Two large ENSUITE double bedrooms, all fully furnished. The lounge includes a wall mounted flat screen TV and comfy leather sofas. M
This property will be re-furbished over the summer and will be ready by 1st July good sized 6-bedroom property! The property will have a large open plan modern kitchen/ living area and will include a
1 間臥室共用一間房,包括所有賬單(燃氣、水、電、互聯網和電視許可證)** 寬敞且佈置精美的房產,包括租金中的所有賬單,還擁有現代化的廚房、大帶露台的花園,寬敞的起居空間,配有新沙發、新地毯和 32 英寸純平電視。這間寬敞的酒店內有 2 間浴室,其中一間是新裝修的現代浴室。這所房子距離酒店約有 20 分鐘步行路程伯明翰大學,並且還受益於外面的巴士站,可直達伯明翰市中心和市中心大學。該物業也有
AVAILABLLE FOR THE 24/25 ACADEMIC YEAR* ALL BILLS INCLUDED!! * All 6 bedrooms have double beds (no box rooms), wardrobes, desk and chest of drawers, shelving ,pinboard , * 2 Bathrooms wit
AVAILABLE FOR THE 24/25 ACADEMIC YEAR - £165.00 pppw INCLUDING BILLS - Tenancy Start Date 26/07/2024 ** Rent Price includes gas, electric, water, internet, TV licence, with a fair usage allow
該物業最近在所有臥室和廚房鋪設了新地板 - 起居區新粉刷成灰色和白色主題,賦予其明亮的現代外觀 - 新的 43 英寸休息區已安裝電視並安裝在牆上 - 包括新的黑色真皮沙發 - 休息室已安裝新的灰色百葉窗 該物業的位置非常適合 BCU 和 UoB學生們,因為它靠近通往市中心的便利交通網絡,步行 15-20 分鐘即可到達伯明翰大學。 所有臥室都非常寬敞,每間
AVAILABLE NOW - £1100 per month INCLUDING BILLS * Rent Price includes Electric, Water, Internet and TV Licence, with a fair usage allowance. Fabulous quirky refurbished Coach House set
AVAILABLE FOR THE 23/24 ACADEMIC YEAR * STUDENT PROPERTY Great 4 bed and 2 bathroom property in a brilliant location on Teignmouth Road just a short walk from the University of Birmingham, S
AVAILABLE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 24/25* - AUGUST START DATE - NO GROUND FLOOR BEDROOMS - TWO LIVING ROOMS Beautiful 6 bedroom property in a great location in the heart of the Selly Oak tria
AVAILABLE FOR 22/23 ACADEMIC YEAR* The property has 7 large double bedrooms 2 of the bedrooms having en-suite bathrooms. The property has a huge open plan lounge/kitchen area with a island breakfas
REDUCED DEPOSIT**AVAILABLE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 23/24* This is a lovely modern property situated in the heart of Selly Oak, just a 10-minute walk from the high street. Located on a quiet, pedestrian-o
AVAILABLE FOR THE 24/25 ACADEMIC YEAR - £105 pppw - Tenancy Start Date 01/07/2024 * A lovely property on the Pershore Road which mixes modern furnishings with original features, including woo
AVAILABLE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 21/22* - 3 DOUBLE ROOMS, 1 SINGLE ROOM - OVERLOOKS SELLY PARK - ALL BILLS INCLUDED A homely 4-bedroom property available to a group of 3 or 4. Located direc
AVAILABLE FOR 24/25 ACADEMIC YEAR* Tenant testimonial/Property walkthrough - https://drive.google.com/file/d/18FCAOo2og_jRArle8Pbqxy00lqC00zSy/view?usp=sharing Huge 8 bedroom house just off Hub
AVAILABLE FOR THE 23/24 ACADEMIC YEAR* **NEW REFURBISHED PROPERTY IN 2021 BRAND NEW 6 BEDROOM ENSUITES AVAILABLE FOR A GROUP OF 6 The property is currently getting refurbished to a high quality
適用於 22/23 學年* 位於 Pershore 路附近一條安靜街道上的寬敞且佈置精美的四床房產。伯明翰大學距離酒店僅有 25 分鐘步行路程,距離市中心僅有很短的巴士車程,非常適合學生和職場人士。 酒店擁有明亮寬敞的起居室,配有包括兩張舒適的沙發和一台電視機。廚房溫馨而現代,配有洗衣機、充足的存儲空間和表面空間以及早餐吧。 酒店的四間臥室均為寬敞的雙人間,配有一
ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 - STUDENT HOUSE ** A great four-bedroom property outside the busy Selly Oak triangle but within a 20-25 minute walk from the University of Birmingham.This property boasts fo
AVAILABLE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 24/25* This modern and comfortable six-bed property is situated a short way up Teignmouth Road, just a 15-minute walk from the university and all the amenities of Selly
AVAILABLE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 23/24* This is a lovely modern property situated in the heart of Selly Oak, just a 10-minute walk from the high street. Located on a quiet, pedestrian-only side road, th
AVAILABLE FOR THE 23/24 ACADEMIC YEAR* Six double bedrooms, all fully furnished. The lounge includes a wall mounted flat screen TV and comfy leather sofas. The kitchen appliances include dishwasher
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