6 listings
Posada | Location Irghittula | Accommodation with a panoramic view Situated in a hilly position with a wide panoramic view, we offer for sale a receptive structure with agricultural la
波薩達 |奧維爾 |海邊的餐廳生意 在波薩達 (Posada) 著名的奧維爾 (Orvile) 松樹林中,我們出售一家餐飲企業。 波薩達是位於努奧羅省的一個村莊。它以位於村莊頂部的中世紀堡壘 Castello della Fava 而聞名,從那裡可以欣賞到從波薩達河谷一直延伸到聖喬瓦尼碼頭的全景。 它位於“Tepilora”內自然公園,俯瞰擁
Posada | Orvile | Restaurant business by the sea In the renowned pine forest of Orvile at Posada, we offer for sale a restaurant business. Posada is a village located in the pr
Posada | Via Nazionale | Single villa in central position In the very centre of the village, a few steps away from all services, we offer for sale a single villa with ample surrounding