4 listings
住在船上的魔力。令人嘆為觀止的曝光,超設備超級頂層公寓。約 45 平方米字面意思是在海面之上和城市之上。單人起居區、帶淋浴間的窗戶服務、臥室。它與所有固定和移動家具一起出售,擁有加熱和冷卻泵、家庭自動化系統、內部和外部攝像頭。
The magic of living on a ship. Exposure that takes your breath away, ultra-equipped super penthouse. 45 m2 approx. literally above the sea and above the city. Single living area, windowed service
The 285 m2 apartment is on the first floor of a restored 18th Century palazzo that overlooks the loggia of and gardens the church of San Francesco. It has 2 entrances, an entrance hall, a dining