5 listings
這座美妙的湖濱別墅是一棟獨特的豪華房產,距離科莫僅幾分鐘路程,可供出租。別墅的主要特點是您可以在美麗的大露台上欣賞科莫湖的美妙景色,露台上還設有設施齊全的現代化游泳池。這棟意大利豪華別墅分為三層: 底層:客廳、陽台、帶游泳池的寬敞露台、廚房、衣帽間、洗衣房和浴室。一樓:2 間雙人臥室,帶套間浴室和 2 間更衣室,1 間單人間,帶浴室和更衣室、休息室和露台。二樓:4間雙人臥室,配有套間浴室和4個雙人
這是一棟獨特的豪華別墅,3 間臥室最多可容納 6 人。一樓的主臥室位於別墅舊區的屋簷下,因此具有更質樸的風格,並通過直接進入花園露台增強了其隱私性。牆壁上的原始裸露石頭和古老的木頭和橫梁天花板的結合是這間臥室和廚房的主要特色,廚房也位於正下方。廚房的現代電器巧妙地佈置在原始結構中,從那裡,玻璃門與附樓中的現代起居/用餐區(帶壁爐)和花園無縫連接。主花園露台外是一個可愛而寧靜的環境,享有簡單的壯麗景
LUXURY VILLA TORNO This wonderful historic and luxurious property is located in one of the most reserved and spectacular spots on the lake. Just 10 minutes from the center of Como and a few meters f
This marvellous Villa is a charming house with an incredible view of Lake Como. The property, located in Torno, opposite the shores of Lake Como, is peculiar for its completely unique style. Cosy el
This villa is the most modern one ever built on Lake Como. Coming from the restoration of an old front lake villa, this new real estate has been finished in July 2022. The villa is on 3 floors for